– C OMMUNITY - LED LOCAL DEVELOPMENT Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
V ISION Active and consolidated local society able to express itself in the development of local territory Cultivated fields managed by sustainable and efficient family farms Possibility to gain income in rural areas (to work) and earn living for oneself and family Enhancement of knowledge Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
LEADER APPROACH Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia (MoA) and other concerned organizations and institutions highly evaluate and implement LEADER important principle, which is the approach of "bottom-up" when the initiative comes from local people, engaging in their own territory in identifying problems and solving. Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
C OMMUNITY - LED LOCAL DEVELOPMENT (CLLD) In next programming period the Ministry of Agriculture will implement LEADER approach via EAFRD and EMFF Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
It is planned to allocate ~64 mio EUR or 5% of EAFRD resources for implementation of the LEADER measure For sustainable development of fisheries areas from EMFF planned public financing ~14 mio EUR (may vary according to the total available funding from EMFF for Latvia ) PLANNED FINANCING Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
MoA in collaboration with NRN and NFN organized 3 LAGs seminars in year In year 2012 MoA set up the working group to develop the condition of the LEDAER actions (MoA, LAG, NRN, Latvian Rural Forum, the paying agency), and already two meetings took a place. In March 2013 MoA in cooperation with NFN organised a seminar with fisheries organisations and LAGs about sustainable development of fisheries areas from EMFF. In March 2013 MoA organized the meeting for LAGs, NGOs, municipalities, local union representatives, Fisheries industry, administering authority, ministerial about LEADER approach imlementation and about sustainable development of fisheries areas for the next programming period in Latvia PREPARATIONS FOR THE NEXT PROGRAMMING PERIOD Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
MoA in discussions with LAGs, NGOs, municipalities, local authorities and other relevant organizations and authorities agreed One teritory – one strategy and EAFRD chosen as the lead fund CLLD – MULTI - FUND APPROACH Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
MoA welcomes the minimum population increase in LAG teritory from 5’000 to 10’000. In small LAG’s around 5’000 people: Is not sufficient administrative support, in result of this is non-guaranteed quality actions of LAG and strategy implementation there are problems with the implementation of the strategy - a low activity of project applicants in the territory of a small number of NGOs and entrepreneurs T ERRITORY OF LAG Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
T ERRITORIES OF THE LAG S ON THE MAP OF L ATVIA TODAY 8 LAGs with less than 10,000 inhabitants in their teritory need to be defined merge or add to other LAGs Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
The territory of LEADER in the whole Latvian territory with the cities up to 15,000 people (the percentage of population from towns with the number of population 5000–15000 does not exceed 49% of the total population of the LAG territory) Sustainable development of fisheries areas in will be implemented only in the territory of coastal municipalities T ERRITORY OF LAG Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
Initiative to strengthen the local economy Planned activities: Micro-small entrepreneurship in rural areas; Social entrepreneurship; Cooperation; Short supply chain; Training (according to the above activities). LEADER SUB - MEASURE – EAFRD (I) Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
LEADER SUB - MEASURE – EAFRD (II) Places capacity development initiatives Planned activities: Quality Living Area Creation; Natural and cultural objects arrangment; Small infrastructure; Social environment improvement Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
LEADER SUB - MEASURE – EAFRD (III) Inter-territorial and transnational cooperation Planned activities: Inter-territorial cooperation between LAGs at the national level; Transnational cooperation between LAGs at the European Union Member States level and territories, where organisations implementing activities similar to the LEADER approach operate Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
LEADER SUB - MEASURE – EAFRD (IV) Running the local action group, acquiring skills and animating the territory Planned activities: Running costs ( operating costs, personnel costs, training costs, costs linked to public relations, financial costs as well as the costs linked to monitoring and evaluation of the strategy) Animation (costs that occur in order to facilitate the exchange between stakeholders, to inform about and promote the Local Development Strategy and to support potential beneficiaries to develop projects and prepare applications) Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia
Adding value, creating jobs; Diversification, lifelong learning; Enhancing and capitalising on the environmental assets, operations to mitigate climate change; Social well being and cultural heritage; Strengthening the role of fisheries communities; Cooperation activities. A CTIVITIES FOR SUSTAINABLE D EVELOPMENT OF F ISHERIES A REAS Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia