Competitive Summer Season Week of June 4 U9/U10 – 2v1/Combination Play
- Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way When you get there Session will be Play (until you have 8 players) – 11+ Warm-up (8 minutes) – Work (35 minutes) – Play (8 minutes) Take attendance Play - Once you have enough to play to groups of 3v3 you should get two games going 11+ should only take about 8 minutes – on the shoulder contact it should be as if players are giving each other high five with their shoulders then landing both feet and soft meaning that knees should give as players hit the ground to absorb impact Having trouble with particular players use names to address them Demo what you want!
To see the 11+ in action go to:
- Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way Key Coach Players Players w/ball Cones Balls Pugg Goal
- Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way Play – To Half Line -Split the players into two teams -Play 3v3 to start and play no larger then 4v4 -Have a pile of balls near each end line when you run out of balls go collect -Score on goal -Goal counts if all attacking players are in attacking half -Goal counts for 3 if goal is scored without all defenders being in attacking half KEYS Look for opportunities to get forward Attack and defend as a team BE MOBILE 35 yds. 25 yds.
- Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way Activity 1 – Island Hopping -Two teams -Every Player needs a ball -Goal for each team is to get their balls on the other teams half -Urge players to use only certain surfaces each round -Instep, inside of foot, outside of foot -Can you get players to use different types of passes/shots -Pass, driven, chipped -Play short rounds KEYS Players need to be mobile to keep balls off their side Plant foot position and where is that toe pointed Body balance Striking surface on ball and foot
- Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way Activity 2 – Intro to the overlap -Two teams -Introduce the keys to the overlap -Get players to play as quickly as possible -One attacks big goal D score on counter goals -Defenders rotate – Defend, GK, Line, Defend, GK, etc. -Ball goes out of bounds start with new group KEYS Overlap Take first touch inside to shorten distance necessary to overlap and to open a lane for overlapping attacker Engage defender Choice – who is defender defending – pass or dribble Attack as fast as possible – too fast and loss of control better then slow and ponderous 20 yds. 15 yds.
- Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way Play -Two teams -Scrimmage as big as you can up to the appropriate size game (6v6) -Coach should be on field in a color that is distinct from players -Play game and keep score KEYS Effort is number 1 priority if effort is not sufficient pull player out and have them watch until the are ready to give effort Focus on players being connected front to back Focus on players being connected side to side Don’t worry about the choices on and around the ball you just need to know where the ball is
Thanks Have fun, be detailed, be demanding!
U9/U10 Week of June 11 – 2v1/Combination Play Activity 1 – Island Hopping Play 3v3 up to 5v5 Halfway line on field. Play to goal Goal counts if all attackers are in attacking half Goal counts for 3 if you can score and all defenders are not in the defending half Partner players and have a ball with each pair Islands should be small squares around the space Players will be moving around the space and should be alternating who goes on the island Idea is for one partner to get on the island and receive the ball thru one side of the square and then play the out of another side of the square Keep score/make self referenced Play against other team on the other half of the field Trainer should be on the field in a color that doesn’t conflict Mentality Relate to theme of the day Mobility Pass and move Accuracy of pass Find open spaces Effort Connected front to back Connected side to side Play - Decisions - Ownership - Standards - Enjoyment - Technique - Attacking The Woodbury Way 11+ Once you have 8 players begin formal WU This should take about 8 mins Not a race Focus on proper movement Activity 2 – Intro to the overlap Play 2v1 to big goal with counter Show the overlap the set-up should encourage it Give bonus points to pairs that combine* *Remember that the decision not to pass is just as valuable as combining to get to goal Mobility When to pass and when to dribble Quality to set-up the combination Use of deception