Essential Strategies: a teacher should carry out in order to have a well managed classroom and avoid problems within the classroom
● If a teacher has a good relationship with students, all of the other aspects of classroom management can run more smoothly ● Learn about individual students’ interests ●Care about students interests and personal goals *Discover and incorporate students’ personal interests into academics (this can help teachers teach content that is relevant, meaningful, and interesting to students) * Observe individual accomplishments and important events taking place in the students’ lives *Ask students what they enjoy doing or observe the activities students engage in after school. ●Interacting with students as individuals ● Must be conscious of the different needs of the variety of students ● Give equal attention to all students ● Respond positively to questions
●Set up classroom rules and procedures for overall classroom behavior ●Establish a classroom pledge or a few simple written rules ● Create gestures or symbols to communicate fundamental messages in the classroom ●Set rules for particular behaviors ● Beginning and ending the Day routinely (have specific classroom traditions) ● Transitions and Interruptions require rules and expectations ● Hang posters in classroom that can exhibit a set of rules and consequences ■ Have students help construct these posters and develop the classroom rules
Positive and negative rewards for behavior ●Positive and negative rewards for behavior ●Perceivable reward systems (point system, certificates, field trips) ● Devise a list of consequences ●Isolation Time out (remove student from situation or from classroom) ●Time out seat in classroom ●Overcorrection strategy (having a student become involved in an activity that overcompensates the misbehavior)
Use Assertive Behaviors: -Speak directly to the student in a calm and considerate manner -Look directly at the student, without staring -Maintain an proper distance from the student -Keep facial expressions neutral
~ Eye contact ~ Moving around the room ~Looking and Listening (look and listen to a student speaking) ~ Attribute ideas and comments to those who offer them ~Encourage everyone’s participation ~Provide appropriate wait time for students to respond and answer to questions ~ Do not tell students that they should have known the answer ~ Do not ignore a response ~ Avoid subjective comments about incorrect answers ~ Do not allow negative comments from other students Influential Reactions to Incorrect Responses to Incorrect Responses
Songs: “Calming down dance and song” Effective sayings: ex:“Criss cross apple sauce” (children knew to sit down, cross their legs, and pay attention) Sign Language Attention/Behavior Management Praise & Encouragement & Feelings Please & Thank yous & Needs Levels of Behavior: Pink=follow directions Purple= respect property Yellow= stay on task Orange= be responsible Red= desired behavior Green= All behaviors
Codington Elementary School *Mrs. Jenny Walters Kindergarten Class *Inclusion classroom, with six students who needed extra help *Signs and posters set up all over classroom with written rules and procedures *Used sign language *Asked students questions and children were constantly involved *Stopped and asked questions while reading (asked if they knew how to spell a word) *During seat work she walked around and encouraged the students and asked them questions about their work
☼”I am disappointed in your choice of words” ☼“Look at me…I am only accepting kind words” ☼ “Listen to see the direction of where your body should be” ☼ “If you are ready to come join the group you can” ☼ “I am going to move you over here to help you learn, so you and your friend can concentrate”
-Fifth grade elementary class -Explains agenda to kids in the beginning of class -Teacher constantly asked questions to kids to keep them involved and engaged in the lesson (she connected ideas in the book to the lessons) -The students were rewarded recess depending on whether or not they talked too much and finished enough of the lesson -Teacher related lessons to real life situations -She reviewed the homework and the lesson and then gave students an in class assignment to see how much they learned and remembered -She believed that allowing students to work on an assignment by themselves gives them some “time to breathe” and “whisper behind her back” -Each student had a behavior checkbook (this was the class behavior management system)