Project Managers Report CM40 Collaboration Board – Rome Roy Preece 28 th October 2014
Content Assumptions Document Decision of direction for Cooling Demonstration 2
Assumptions Document Scope –Try to capture and understand who is responsible for what – and agree to those statements Funding, institutes and international contributions – The UK funding agency will continue to fund STFC and University groups – Proposal 2015/16 – The DoE will continue to fund the US construction team – No specific call out for the Non-UK / US collaborators – needs to be added – UK will deliver and be responsible for MICE infrastructure and construction-project management; The hydrogen system and associated extraction and safety systems; The focus-coil module and associated power supplies and cooling equipment; and The MICE Muon Beam including the MICE target, the decay solenoid an the conventional magnets along with the associated power-supply, cooling and the storage equipment. RF Amplification system –US will deliver and be responsible for RF cavities and associated vacuum chambers, vacuum equipment; Partial return yokes for Step IV and cooling demo. Spectrometer Solenoid magnets Cherenkov detector systems Additional lithium hydride absorbers – University of Geneva will deliver and remain responsible for the EMR and DAQ system – INFN will deliver and remain responsible for the TOF and KL detectors 3
Assumptions Document Safety – The MICE Project Engineer will hold the full delegated responsibility for safety in all areas, activities and project periods through to completion of the MICE project holding the title of Group Leader In Matters Of Safety (GLIMOS); Spares – Spares for each sub-system is the responsibility of that subsystem and will be delivered before operations Maintenance – Maintenance of the compressor and cold heads will be borne by the common fund – Maintenance of the hall infrastructure, eg Air Conditioning, will be borne by MICE-UK – Not called out needs to be added – Maintenance of Vacuum systems will be borne by the common fund Gasses and Cryogens – During construction and commissioning periods the cost of gasses will be borne by MICE-UK – During construction and commissioning periods the cost of cryogens will be borne by the sub system groups. – During operations the cost of gasses and cryogens will be borne by the common fund. Vacuum – MICE-UK will provide the manifold system for the experiment and provide the support during operations Construction – All lifting operations will only be carried out by approved crane operators 4
Assumptions Document Operations – ISIS Cover–approximately 6 FTE will be funded for by the MICE-UK project budget with a fraction of the current Common Fund levy already set aside for project / operational support staff –Detector System–each detector to supply expert operators during operational periods. The effort supplied will be sufficient to allow 24 hour running of the experiment; –Magnet System–each magnet system to supply expert operators during operational periods. The effort supplied will be sufficient to allow 24 hour running of the experiment. 5
Cooling Demonstration Important for the engineering teams to have a direction and end goal for the Cooling demonstration A decision on the arrangement for the cooling demonstration has a large impact on the engineering required Single cavities and the ends or double cavity at the centre The layout of the magnets and absorbers has an impact on Floor plate arrangement Waveguides for RF PRY support structures PRY Walls – penetrations for the waveguides Vacuum envelope Power and instrumentation services South mezzanine – support legs may need changing for example X-ray shielding (may not be needed any more) Clean room space for cavity build-up Transportation frames / devices 6