Special Parish Liaison meeting Highways verge maintenance John Richardson Head of Community Services
Urban area highway verge improvements Typically trees, hedges, shrubbery, landscaping etc. £15,000 available 50% match funding from Parish/Town Council Max. Total project cost £5,000 ie £2,500 NWLDC and £2,500 Parish Works to be agreed with, quoted by and undertaken by NWLDC Grounds Maintenance Team (subject to type of works) Expressions of interest by 24 November Quotations to be undertaken by 12 December Notification of in principle funding by 22 December Works undertaken Jan-March
North West Leicestershire Growth Plan Action Plan – consultation Pre notice of a consultation on NWL Growth Plan – ed 9 Oct Conversations with some Parish/Town Councils Consultation live – 31 October 2014 for six weeks
Partnership working Linked to the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership Strategic Economic Plan District Council’s role Provides opportunity Allows for evidence to be constantly reviewed Why have a plan?
Additional consultation Review of street trading policy 31 October to 12 December 2014 consultation link will be sent to Parish/Town Councils four proposed changes - to add the Town or Parish Councils to the list of consultees - to add LCC Highways Authority to the list of consultees - to refer all applications where a relevant objection is made to a hearing of Licensing Sub-Committee for determination - to assist consultees and for reasons of transparency it is proposed to introduce a list of reasons for objecting to or refusing an application the draft policy will be submitted to Council for approval on further information - Stephen Eyre, Licensing Team Leader tel:
Future meetings HS2 update by HS2 Ltd – 3 December, 4pm Parish Liaison meeting - 3 December, 5pm Please confirm attendance for both meetings to
Contact details Wendy May – District wide Emma Trahearn – Ashby, Measham and Moira Catherine Ridgway – Coalville Area (from 17 Nov) Gillian Squires – Northern Parishes