Comenius Youth between Dreams and Reality Adrien French Team Sarah Austrian Team Anna German Team.


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Presentation transcript:

Comenius Youth between Dreams and Reality Adrien French Team Sarah Austrian Team Anna German Team



Reality for the Girls Realität für die Mädchen réalité pour les filles

Reality for the boys Realität für die Jungs réalité pour les garçons

(Best)Friends Natalie Austrian Team Adrien French Team Charline French Team

Relationship between friends and best friends

Friends who defend each other

Friends from different countries

Friends on Facebook 1000 friends are normal on facebook

Friends in their spare time

Fight between friends

Different friendships between boys and girls Friendship of girlsFriendship of boys

Comenius Youth between Dreams and Reality Eva German Team Bea Austrian Team Charline French Team

Relationship between parents and their children

Der Anfang The beginning Le début

Es ist auf dem Weg It´s on the way Il va bientôt arriver

Sie ist da She is here Elle arrive

Der erste Schultag The first day at school Le premier jour à l´école

Das furchtbare 13. Jahr The horrible 13. year Le terrible âge de 13 ans

Die erste Liebe The first love Le premier amour

Die eigene Familie The own family La famille

Das Erwartete – Das Unerwartete Expectations – The unexpected Habituel – Inattendu

Comenius Youth between Dreams and Reality Kader French Team Stefanie Austrian Team Henna Finnish Team

Relationship between brothers and sisters Sisarusten väliset suhteet Les relations frères et sœurs Beziehung zwischen Geschwistern


Geschwister bereichern unser Leben Siblings enrich our live frères et sœurs enrichissent notre vie