Deer By Kate
INTRODUCTION I decided to study the deer because I already had some back round knowledge but I wanted to know more about these graceful, shy creatures. Enjoy!
Habitat Mostly found in forests Europe, Asia, North America Inhabits most of Europe Deer have been introduced to other places Also in dense forests and planted areas Dry open country + rocky hillsides Different kinds of deer live in different places
characteristics Antlers fall off each year Males weigh 350 to 530 pounds Usually have 1 fawn at a time Have long ears Fur colors: brown, tan, white, brown-orange
FOOD Mainly eat leaves Take time choosing food Also eat shoots, leaves, and grasses Prefer foods that are easy to digest Very selective Favorite food is acorns
FUN FACTS Have 4-chambered stomachs Even number of “toes "on each hoof Live years Predators are the wolf, bear, and cougar Odocoileus Virginina is the deer’s scientific name Can run as fast as 43 mph
BIBLIOGRAPHY Thanks to Britannica Schools for information BIG thanks to PHS 3 rd grade teachers and PHS librarian Miss O’Kane for making this presentation possible. Thanks to A-Z Animals for even more info. Thanks to Wikipeidia,for even MORE info!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kate Wilber loves to dance. Her favorite colors are purple and turquoise. Her favorite food is tuna noodle casserole. In her free time, Kate likes to play with her 2 cats.