Draw the oblique view 20 H 40 R20 15 H1 L1
As 3 rd step redraw 2 nd Tv keeping side DE on xy line. Because it is in VP as said in problem. X Y a b c d e f Problem: A hexagonal lamina has its one side in HP and Its apposite parallel side is 25mm above Hp and In Vp. Draw it’s projections. Take side of hexagon 30 mm long. Draw in 1 st angle 25 f’ e’ d’ c’ b’a’ f’ e’ d’ c’ ’b’a’ a1a1 b1b1 c1c1 d1d1 e1e1 f1f1 c1’c1’ b’ 1 a’ 1 f’ 1 d’ 1 e’ 1 f1f1 a1a1 c1c1 b1b1 d1d1 e1e1 Read problem and answer following questions 1. Surface inclined to which plane? Assumption for initial position? So which view will show True shape? Which diagonal is horizontal? Hence begin with TV,draw rhombus below X-Y line, taking longer diagonal // to X-Y
3 X Y a b c d o o’ d’c’b’ a’ o’ d’ c’ b’ a’ o d b c a d’ c’ b’ o’ o d b c a o d b c a (APEX NEARER TO V.P). (APEX AWAY FROM V.P.) Problem: A square pyramid, 40 mm base sides and axis 60 mm long, has a triangular face on the ground and the vertical plane containing the axis makes an angle of 45 0 with the VP. Draw its projections. Take apex nearer to VP 1 st. Angle
a b d c X Y a b d c a’ b’ c’ d’ 1’ 2’ 3’ 4’ ’ 3’ 2’ 1’ d’ c’ b’ a’ 4’ 3’ 2’ 1’ d’ c’ b’ a’ 35 0 a1a1 b1b1 c1c1 d1d Problem : A cylinder 40 mm diameter and 50 mm axis is resting on one point of a base circle on Vp while it’s axis makes 45 0 with Vp and Fv of the axis 35 0 with Hp. Draw projections..
5 A frustum of a hexagonal pyramid has side of lower base 50 mm and side of upper base 20 mm with height of 80 mm. It also has a circular hole drilled centrally along the height. The pyramid is resting on one of the corners of lower base on the ground with axis parallel to frontal plane and inclined at 45 o to the ground. Draw front, top and side view MARK THE POINTS YOURSELF T F New front view New Right side view 45 o New top view Direction of view a a’b’ a b a” b” 45 o a’ b’ b