The HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre Dr Peter Thompson The research arm of the NHS
National Institute for Health Research Established 2006 as a vehicle for implementing Government’s strategy for applied health research £1b annual spend Vision: To improve the health and wealth of the nation through research
NIHR Remit People and patient based applied health research Research capacity to improve health/healthcare Patients, samples or data from patients, people who are not patients, populations, health technology assessment and health services research Clearly demonstrate the potential to have an impact on the needs of patients and the public within 5 years of its completion No basic research or work involving animals and/or animal tissue NIHR is also prepared to support research into medical education
Medical Education Research ‘The NIHR is also prepared to support high quality research into 'medical education' (defined broadly as education for healthcare providers). Whilst this area of research need not fulfil the criterion of having 'potential for benefiting patients and the public within 5 years of its completion', it is expected that the research will have the potential to have practical application.’
HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme Health Education England Review recommended expansion to all registered non medical/dental registered healthcare professionals committed to developing a career which combines research and continued clinical practice.
HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme An introduction to practical clinical research, from trial design and data management through to experiencing primary research – 30 days of contact time with an academic mentor and research group An opportunity for clinicians with an interest in research to design and undertake a clinical research project whilst attending taught modules pertaining to relevant theory, process and techniques An opportunity for graduate clinicians with some research experience and aspirations for a clinical academic career to obtain a PhD whilst maintaining professional practice and development An opportunity for early post-doctoral clinicians to combine independent research in an academic position with continued professional practice and development An opportunity for practicing clinicians with independent clinical research experience to undertake further funded research and develop as a clinical academic leader
HEE Mandate Research funded by Health Education England (HEE) must fulfil one of the priorities in its mandate from Government: –Ensuring the best start in life for every child and young person (from pregnancy through to adulthood) –Delivering integrated care that meets the needs of people and their families –Improving the understanding of mental health conditions by all staff and how this may effect their patients –Improving public health –Driving quality improvement, including medical treatments, interventions or processes Alternatively, the content of the research could address the core purpose of HEE: –Delivering the right workforce with the right skills, values and competencies –Driving improvements in education & training that will have a real impact on the quality of care delivered to patients and service users
HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme Funded HEIs advertise places (institutional award) 100 places per annum available over next 3 years The University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of Leeds The City University London University of Southampton University of Brighton Kingston University London University of Plymouth University of East Anglia Coventry University PhD research whilst developing clinical skills Based at English NHS trust, other health care organisation or HEI Min 1 yr clinical experience and current statutory registration Need for both a good academic and clinical supervisor Salary, PhD tuition fees, research, training & development costs (100% NHS, 80% HEI except training & 3 years FT (4 or 5 years PT) Next launch March 2016 HEE/NIHR Masters in Clinical Research HEE/NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship
HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme 3 year (4 or 5 years PT) post-doctoral award for clinical practice and academic research (50:50) Requires support from a partnership of a HEI and an NHS trust, which must both commit to support the applicant post award Up to 50% of salary plus research, training and development costs Next launch March 2016 ˂ 5 years FTE post-doctoral research experience Min 1 year FTE in clinical practice, current statutory registration and PhD or submission HEE/NIHR Clinical Lectureship
HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme Senior (pre-Chair) 5 year award for clinical practice and academic research (50:50) Requires support from a partnership of a HEI and an NHS trust, which must both commit to support the applicant post award Up to 50% of salary plus research, training and development costs Next launch March 2016 >5 years clinical experience and high research output Excellent or exceptionally promising track record as clinical academic researcher (outputs & grants) HEE/NIHR Senior Clinical Lectureship
Applications and Awarded by Region (CAT)
Applications and Awarded by Profession (CAT)
Applications to ICA by Region
Applications to ICA by Profession
Pre-application Know the process and the remit: –Look at the website –Read the guidance –Contact the NIHR TCC with any queries Know your audience: –Look up previous award holders, panel members, topics Start early: –Identify supervisors and collaborators –Speak to the Research Design Service –Consider all options
Application Person –Trajectory –Career outputs Project or programme of research –Scientific quality and sound methodology –Appropriate scale and scope –Relevance of the Question –Literature Review –Impact of Findings –Fit with Remit –Involvement of patients and the public
Application Training –Meets needs of candidate and project Host environment (institution, supervisor, mentor) –RAE/REF rating –Track record in relevant field –Time and commitment Take Advice from: Supervisors / mentors Collaborators Methodologist (s) Finance Lead Patients
Application Approvals and sign off Are the relevant people available Don’t be last minute and… Do not miss the deadline!! (Check your spelling)
Interview Practice Mock interviews are usually the worst Presentation Not too many slides Don’t go over time Behaviour It is OK to be nervous Confident but not over confident Don’t get defensive Admit what you don’t know and be happy to take advice Relax and be yourself
The project –Know it inside and out –Has anything altered since submission? –Know the methods and identify the expertise –Think through alternatives Training and Development Identify your training needs How will the training support your project and future career intentions The future you Be clear where you want to be What is does this fellowship mean to your career Interview
If in Doubt..... ASK!
Being an NIHR Doctoral Fellow University of Sheffield Joanne Bird The research arm of the NHS
The application Explore and prepare Options within your existing role Options as part of a new role Options in other organisations Choose your team members Supervisors Lay Professional RDS Finance Family & friends Draft Review Refine Repeat until done
Doing it Make the most of it Don’t worry if you didn’t predict the future perfectly Take up new opportunities Use your team, connections and networks Enjoy it
NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre Leeds Innovation Centre 103 Clarendon Road Leeds LS2 9DF Tel: Fax: