What happens to the rubbish we throw away? Landfilled Recycled CombustedComposed
~5million t Hunagary’s waste emissions/year ~500 kg Amount of garbage a Hungarian throws out/year
~122 kg for a student/teacher On a normal school day ~49 kg ~17900 kg rubbish/year
Mostly: Paper Plastic bottles Food leftover
In a Hunagrian household
Recycling recovery of useful materials methods for collecting –curbside collection –drop-off centers –refund programs
Manufacturing More and more of today's products are being manufactured with recycled content, like: –newspapers and paper towels –aluminum –plastic bottles –steel cans
Benefits of recycling Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills Saves energy Reduces the need to collect new raw materials Creates new jobs
Never forget: this is not the only way of recycling. If you are creative enough you can do it too.
Thank you for the attention! Made by: Anna Bodai