ODYSSEY Is a Greek word, meaning “the tale of Odysseus.” This book is concerned with the adventures and exploits of Odysseus, a hero of the Trojan War. The Odyssey is great poetry and one of the foundation stones of the western world’s cultural heritages. It is also, in a sense, the earliest and one of the finest books ever written.
Little is known about Homer. Probably lived and wrote sometime in the 8th or 9th centuries B.C. More than likely he came from the Island of Chios, on the western coast of Asia Minor. The dialect in which he composed his works is that of the Asian (Ionian) Greeks. Tradition has visualized Homer as blind. Author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Homer
Synopsis: Part One In the Invocation(pg 813 ), the poet capsulizes major adventures of Odysseus. Odysseus begins recounting his travels to King Alcinous: Weathering storms, he and his men reach the land of Lotus Eaters. When they lose all desire to leave, he forces them to ships. In the land of Cyclopes, Odysseus and twelve men explore the cave of Polyphemus and are trapped.
Synopsis: Cont The giant eats six of Odysseus’ men before the general contrives a plan for escape. They get the giant drunk, and, when he falls asleep, blind him with a sharpened tree trunk. In the morning, when he rolls the stone from his cave opening, the adventurers tie themselves to the bellies of the sheep and escape. Odysseus wisely tells Polyphemus his name as he sails away.
ACTIVE READING STRATEGIES List things you have discovered so far that Odysseus values. On page 817, identify the metaphor and explain why it is appropriate for the Cyclops. Compare the Host Maron to the Cyclops and his treatment of the men (pg 817, lines )
Group WOrk Analyzing- Part One Pg 829 #’s 1-10 When finished under Extend Your Response complete “A Hero’s Actions.