One day long ago I was the hero on a quest to leave my home in Ithaca (Knoxville) and move to Pennsylvania. Moving
The Pitfalls Were Countless… I saw. Just as Odysseus had.
As I had foreseen the first of my misfortunes occurred abruptly.
I heard the sirens (seven eleven) call to me.
I wanted a Slushy.
But by fighting temptation I was able to survive and make it past. So we kept on going.
But the Cyclops (fear) threatened me and made me afraid we would crash on the long drive.
But I had faith in the gods (my dad) so I was sure we would not crash.
Then Scylla nearly got us.
But we made sure his six heads (Lights) didn’t attack (flash on)
And we made it past
Without Athena (the map) we were lost.
But finally she helped us
But if we were ever going to get there we could not rest.
The Lotus Eaters (rest stop) wanted us to stay and rest
Finally we arrived but the suitors (moving workers) mixed up where our furniture is supposed to go.
So we had to fight them off (make them leave) and set things right
And now the hero lives in a new land after many hardships
Sources l=en&safe=vss&q=road l=en&safe=vss&q=road