Ecosystem Services Management on Satoyama for Sustainable Society


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Presentation transcript:

Ecosystem Services Management on Satoyama for Sustainable Society Masataka Watanabe Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University Institute of Advanced Studies, United Nations University

Fuels materials, Timber What is Satoyama Food, medicinal plants Fuels materials, Timber Seed bed materials Manure Livestock Seed bed Ash fodder Woodland Cropland Houses (Modified after Inui, 1996) 500m 0 N -Mosaic pattern of woodlands, grasslands, crop lands, paddy fields, settlements, irrigated ponds, etc. -Nature maintained by human activities such as periodically tree cutting in coppice woodland and agricultural activities. -Relationships exist between each of the different types of land use, such as the plowing of fallen leaves gathered from a woodland back into the soil as fertilizer, or the use of firewood as fuel in homes.

Irrigation / drainage system Dry field Bamboo Secondary Forest Paddy field Irrigation / drainage system Dry field Bamboo Pond Dairy farming Terraced paddy field Production of organic fertilizer and charcoal Burnt field Landscape of SATOYAMA House Okuyama Cited from Ministry of Environment, Japan

Definition of Satoyama and Satoumi Satoyama and Satoumi can be defined as a dynamic area (zone) that inter-relates people and nature and that is created and maintained through various direct and indirect uses, such as in agriculture, forestry, fishery, tradition, culture, livelihood and environmental conservations. They constitute an ecosystem mosaic consisting of rural communities and their surrounding various ecosystems , which provide diverse ecosystem services and contribute to the creation of vision towards their conservation, rehabilitation and creation. Their spatial patterns vary with local natural environments, human values, and social and economical conditions. 4

Rainfall CO2 village SATOUMI SATOYAMA Fishing village CITY Water Food production Marine products Wood Water Purification Recharge water Supply (Food, Wood) Soil Management SATOYAMA (Food) SATOUMI OKUYAMA CO2 Organic fertilizer village Fishing village

Secondary Forest :21% of total land Quercus crispula [Mizunara] Betula platyphylla var. japonica [Shirakanba] Quercus serrata [Konara] Quercus serrata [Konara] Major components of Satoyama -Secondary Forest -Planted Forest -Agricultural Land -Secondary Grassland Area of Satoyama : 43 % of total land (estimated by MOE, Japan, 2002) Coppice Forest  of Castanopsis and Oak [Shii and Kashi] Japanese Red Pine [Aakamatsu]

Ecosystem services provided by Satoyama and Satoumi Provisioning service 1) Fuel supply 2) Fertilizer supply 3) Timber and non-timber products 4) Fishery products 5) Food and feeding stuff Regulating service 1) Climate and water resources/water quality regulation in Satoyama 2) CO2 sequestration 3) Natural disaster regulation 4) Water quality regulation in Satoumi Cultural service Multifunctional and high diversity of ecosystem services

Long-term trend for firewood / charcoal production, and shiitake mushroom production in Japan Fuel and fertilizer revolution in the 1960s

Trend of arable land in Japan (Ministry of Agri. Fishery, Japan,2009) Total abandoned arable land in 2005 : 386 (1,000ha)

Trend of fishery production, trade, consumption and self-sufficient ratio(Ministry of Agri. Fishery, Japan,2008)

CITY Fuel and fertilizer revolution in the 1960s Rainfall CO2 Marine products Water Purification Recharge water Supply Soil SATOUMI Eutrophication Urbanization Depopulation Industrial product Food Woods CO2 Chemical fertilizer Globalization SATOYAMA OKUYAMA CITY ImportExport  Economic development and urbanization

Satoyama: Solution for Climate Change Mitigation/Adaptation Scenario for Low Carbon Society Climate Change Globalization Urbanization BAU SD TD DE Economic Model Land Use Population Industry Policy and Technological Options Agri./Land Use Biodiversity Energy Recycle Sustainable resource management Material recycle Nutrient recycle Sustainable national land use policy Agriculture and Forest policy Food security policy Natural environmental conservation policy Biodiversity conservation policy Biomass utilization policy Development of renewable energy ●将来シナリオを定性的な記述によって対極的に描き出し、それを「人口」「産業出荷額」「土地利用」の三つの定量的な数値を持って表現された将来像を与える。その状況下で政策シミュレーションを行い、社会の変動に対して頑強性の高い政策立案をおこなうことを狙っている。 ●政策領域としては水・物質及び物質の流れを操作をおこなう「有機循環」「水質・水量改善」の二つのドメインと土地利用の操作をおこなう「土地利用政策」「生態系保全政策」の二つのドメインの計四つをとりあげている。 ●自然共生を「自然側の共生の度合い」と「人間側の共生の度合い」の二つの領域に設定し、各領域で最終的なアウトカムとなる指標のレベルを設定しその実現に向けた政策介入をおこなっていくアプローチをとる。「バックキャスティングアプローチ」 Solution for Climate Change Adaptation? Quality-of-life ECO-SYSTEM SERVICE ●Economical benefit ●Security ●Amenity ●Health Human-well being ●Provisioning services ●Regulating services ●Supporting services ●Cultural services Socio-Economic System Natural System