7 th Annual Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Renaissance Hotel, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma September 27 – 30, 2011 Focus on Sucker Rod Pumping Technology, Information, Automation, Experiences
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop2 Copyright Rights to this presentation are owned by the company(ies) and/or author(s) listed on the title page. By submitting this presentation to the Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop, they grant to the Workshop, the Artificial Lift Research and Development Council (ALRDC), and the Southwestern Petroleum Short Course (SWPSC), rights to: –Display the presentation at the Workshop. –Place it on the web site, with access to the site to be as directed by the Workshop Steering Committee. –Place it on a CD for distribution and/or sale as directed by the Workshop Steering Committee. Other use of this presentation is prohibited without the expressed written permission of the author(s). The owner company(ies) and/or author(s) may publish this material in other journals or magazines if they refer to the Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop where it was first presented.
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop3 Disclaimer The following disclaimer shall be included as the last page of a Technical Presentation or Continuing Education Course. A similar disclaimer is included on the front page of the Sucker Rod Pumping Web Site. The Artificial Lift Research and Development Council and its officers and trustees, and the Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop Steering Committee members, and their supporting organizations and companies (here-in-after referred to as the Sponsoring Organizations), and the author(s) of this Technical Presentation or Continuing Education Training Course and their company(ies), provide this presentation and/or training material at the Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop "as is" without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information or the products or services referred to by any presenter (in so far as such warranties may be excluded under any relevant law) and these members and their companies will not be liable for unlawful actions and any losses or damage that may result from use of any presentation as a consequence of any inaccuracies in, or any omission from, the information which therein may be contained. The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed in these presentations and/or training materials are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Sponsoring Organizations. The author is solely responsible for the content of the materials. The Sponsoring Organizations cannot and do not warrant the accuracy of these documents beyond the source documents, although we do make every attempt to work from authoritative sources. The Sponsoring Organizations provide these presentations and/or training materials as a service. The Sponsoring Organizations make no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the presentations and/or training materials, or any part thereof, including any warrantees of title, non-infringement of copyright or patent rights of others, merchantability, or fitness or suitability for any purpose.
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop4 General Chairman Mike Brock Mike Brock is currently a project manager with Contek Solutions, LLC. He has 35 years engineering and operational experience with ARCO and BP in the Permian Basin Area working in primary, secondary, and tertiary recovery projects. He has worked extensively with oil and gas well rod pump operations designing, troubleshooting, repairing, and optimizing. He is an active member of the Permian Basin Artificial Lift Group, Southwestern Petroleum Short Course Board of Directors, and Sucker Rod Workshop steering committee. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering from Texas Tech University.
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop5 General Chairman Guillermo Leal Guillermo Leal is a Production Engineer with BP, America.
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop6 Keynote Speaker Keith E. Yankowsky Keith Yankowsky has served as Vice President of Chesapeake’s Engineering Technology and Special Projects Group since June, Mr. Yankowsky’s prior positions within the Company included Sr. Asset Manager from , Senior Engineering Advisor – Completions from , and Director of the Engineering Technology Group from Prior to joining Chesapeake in 2006, Mr. Yankowsky was employed by Conoco Inc. from and Burlington Resources Oil and Gas from where he held various Engineering and Management roles. Keith graduated from Marietta College in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science – Petroleum Engineering Degree.
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop7 Gal Friday Ronda Brewer Southwestern Petroleum Short Course and ALRDC Very special thanks to Ronda. Without her hard work and dedication, this Workshop couldn’t come together as well as it does. Thank You!
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop8 Continuing Education Courses One-Day Courses on Tuesday Course Basic Sucker Rod Pumping –Tom vanAkkerenTues: 8:00 – 5:00Room 8 Course Shooting and Interpreting Fluid Levels in Sucker Rod Wells –Lynn RowlanTues : 8:00 – 5:00Room 9 Course 201a --- Dynagraph Analysis –Louis RayTues: 8:00 – 5:00 Room 10
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop9 Continuing Education Courses One-Day Courses on Wednesday Course Sucker Rod Pump Automation Hardware and Software –Anthony AllisonWed: 8:00 – 5:00Room 9 Course 201b --- Troubleshooting Rod and Pump Problems –Lynn RowlanWed: 8:00 – 5:00Room 10
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop10 Continuing Education Courses Two-Day Courses on Tuesday & Wednesday Course Care, Handling, Best Practices, and Failures –Mike BrockTues & Wed: 8:00 – 5:00Room 11 –Mike Poythress –Russell Stevens –Justin Conyers Course Rod System Design –Norm HeinTues & Wed: 8:00 – 5:00Room 12
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop11 Technical Sessions INew Technology, R&D –Thursday: 7:55 – 12:00 Rooms –Chair: Adam Cole –Real Time Visualization Echometer –Dewatering Horizontals Echometer –Shot Peening Norris Rods –Polish Rod Failures Harbison Fischer –Plunger Motion Echometer –Downhole Gas Separators Echometer \
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop12 Technical Sessions IIDesign, Automation, Optimization, Challenges –Thursday: 1:30 – 4:00 Rooms –Chair: Sandridge –System DesignTheta –Inferred ProductionWeatherford –Fiberglass RodsJohn Crane –Deviated CBM WellsConocoPhillips III Case Histories, Experiences, Best Practices –Friday: 7:55 – 12:00Rooms –Chair: James Martin –Failure TrackingPeloton –Sucker Rod HandlingHarbison-Fischer –Affects on Rod ReliabilityUPCO –Way We’ve Always Done ItEchometer –Sucker Rod RIFTSALRDC
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop13 Breakout Sessions INew sucker rod pumping technologies –Thursday: 4:30 – 6:00 –Room 9 –Facilitator: Brent Thomas IISolutions to sucker rod problems –Thursday: 4:30 – 6:00 –Room 10 –Facilitator: Lynn Rowlan IIIRod pumping system failure frequency and failure analysis –Thursday: 4:30 – 6:00 –Room 11 –Facilitator: Tom vanAkkeren
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop14 Workshop Sponsors Artificial Lift R&D Council ConocoPhillips South Western Petroleum Short Course
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop15 Workshop Sponsors Texas Tech. Dept. of Petroleum Engineering
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop16 Workshop Exhibitors Artificial Lift Consultants Echometer, Inc. John Crane Production Norris Rods
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop17 Workshop Exhibitors Permian Production Equipment Quinn Pumps Tenaris UPCO Inc.
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop18 Workshop Exhibitors Weatherford Artificial Lift Western Falcon Wilson Artificial Lift
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop19 Workshop Meals & Events Monday ALRDC Board Meeting (6:30 pm, at Workshop Hotel) Tuesday Continuing Education (8:00 – 5:00) Wednesday Continuing Education (8:00 – 5:00) Reception (5:15 – 7:00) Thursday Technical Session (7:55 – 12:00) Lunch (12:00 – 1:00) Keynote Address (1:00 – 1:30) Technical Session (1:30 – 4:00) Breakout Sessions (4:30 – 6:00) Friday Technical Session (7:55 – 12:00) Door prizes (12:00 – 12:10) Lunch (12:10 – 1:30) Steering Committee (12:10 – 1:30)
Sept. 27 – 30, Sucker Rod Pumping Workshop20 Presentations on the Web Use the ALRDC Web Site –Go to: Workshops Fall 2011 Sucker Rod Presentations (or Breakouts) Access Code: 2014E77