PAWS 2 Why Career/Technical Training? August 29, 2012
Career/Technology Post Secondary Advisement Manual Students this will be your manual the next several advisements. Please write your name on the top right hand corner of the manual. This manual will stay in the classroom until all material is covered and then can go home with your for a resource.
Why Should MY PLANS include Career/Technical Training? By the year 2020, more than half of available jobs will require highly skilled workers. The applied academics and skills earned in Career/Technical Pathway programs are needed for the high technology skills demanded in the modern work force.
To be prepared for the jobs of tomorrow, students will need more math, science, communication, problem solving, information seeking, and team building skills. The average worker will change jobs five or more times; making it imperative that today’s students prepare for lifelong learning.
Why Should MY PLANS include Career/Technical Training? Occupations in computer information technology, health sciences, and personal services will account for a significant portion of the growth in the labor market.
Why Should MY PLANS include Career/Technical Training? The training and skills provided by the Career/Technical Pathway programs will save time and money for a student planning to enter these fields. Today, the best plan for many students entering the modern working world will be to increase their skills and knowledge by taking classes in the Career/Technical Pathways at their school.
What are Career/Technical Pathways? Career/Technical Pathway programs are a focused, sequenced series of courses in a career, technical or fine arts field of study. At least three courses are required to complete a Career/Technical Pathway in high school.
What are Career/Technical Pathways? They may also lead to further training on the job or apprenticeship. This postsecondary training may culminate in a certificate or associate degree; however some career fields may require further training resulting in a baccalaureate degree.
What are the key components of Career/Technical Training? Integrates academic, career, and technical instruction. Utilizes work-based learning where appropriate and available. Provides career and technical preparation fields such as engineering, technology, applied sciences, mechanical, industrial, or practical trades, agriculture, health occupations, business or fine arts technology and skills.
What are the key components of Career/Technical Training? Builds student competence in mathematics, science, reading, writing, communication, economics, technology, and workplace skills through applied contextual academics, and integrated instruction in a coherent sequence of courses. May lead to postsecondary education or training and/or placement in appropriate employment in a specific career field.
How do Career/Technical Pathways help students prepare for careers? Actively involve students in the learning process. Develop marketable skills for students. Promote good working relationships among business, industry, and school. Promote partnerships among students, parents, teachers, and administrators for improvement of Technical/ Career education.
How do Career/Technical Pathways help students prepare for careers? Increase preparation for success in the classroom. Demonstrate relevance of academics and real life. Heighten awareness of possible career choices and future employability. Focus on combining academics with the skills needed to learn and apply technical concepts. Encourage students to seek postsecondary training.
What are Georgia’s Career/Technical Program Concentrations? Architecture, Construction, Communication & Transportation – Have student name some course we offer in this field??? Arts & Humanities – Have student name some course we offer in this field??? Business & Computer Science – Have student name some course we offer in this field???
What are Georgia’s Career/Technical Program Concentrations? Culinary Arts – Have student name some course we offer in this field??? Education – Have student name some course we offer in this field??? Engineering & Technology – Have student name some course we offer in this field???
What are Georgia’s Career/Technical Program Concentrations? Family Consumer Science – Have student name some course we offer in this field??? Government & Public Safety – Have student name some course we offer in this field??? Healthcare Science – Have student name some course we offer in this field??? Marketing, Sales & Services – Have student name some course we offer in this field???
How to choose the right Career mDl8 mDl8