Mike Carrell, The Ohio State University Jay Favuzzi, Columbus State Community College MILITARY AND VETERAN SERVICES TOOLKITS
Mike Carrell, The Ohio State University Jay Favuzzi, Columbus State Community College W EBSITES OF I NTEREST Department of Veterans Affairs - Department of Education - Ohio Department of Higher Education - Ohio State University Veteran and Military Students - Columbus State Community College Military and Veteran Services Department –
Mike Carrell, The Ohio State University Jay Favuzzi, Columbus State Community College L INKS OF V ALUE VA eBenefits – For online completion of all VA Education, Compensation, and Home Loan Certificate applications. Can also be used for tracking BAH, Stipend and Disability Payments: FAFSA – For online submission of the application for Federal Financial Aid. This form is required for a variety of Grants and Scholarships in addition to student loans. The Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program – For online registration and application for the ONGSP. Guardmembers MUST use their Common Access Card (CAC) to log in to this system and submit their application.
Mike Carrell, The Ohio State University Jay Favuzzi, Columbus State Community College L EGISLATION OF I NTEREST A SSISTANCE A ND S UPPORT TO V ETERANS AND S ERVICE M EMBERS B Y I NSTITUTIONS OF H IGHER E DUCATION (A) Designate at least one person employed by the institution to serve as the contact person for veterans and service member affairs. Such a person shall assist and advise veterans and service members on issues related to earning college credit for military training, experience, and coursework.