Explorers to South Carolina
Why start to explore? European explorers wanted to find a shorter route to Asia.
They wanted to find spices, gold, silver, precious metals or other valuables such as furs.
Let’s add to your notebook: Gold: to find riches God: to spread Christianity Glory: for “king and country”
There are 3 main European countries that explored SC: Spain France England
Explorers From Spain
Gold: he wanted to find riches and make Native Americans his slaves Hernando de Soto Why did he come to the New World? Gold: he wanted to find riches and make Native Americans his slaves Write in your notebook: Motive: in search of gold and slaves
What did he do when he came to the New World? Hernando de Soto He traveled throughout the south, including SC, and was the first to explore the Mississippi River What did he do when he came to the New World? Write in your notebook under accomplishments: First to explore the Mississippi River
Hernando de Soto He was unfriendly with Native Americans. He stole their riches and their leader! Write in your notebook under accomplishments: Stole from the Native Americans and made them his slaves
Glory: to claim land for Spain Juan Pardo Why did he come to the New World? Glory: to claim land for Spain Write in your notebook under motive: To claim land for his king and country
Juan Pardo Juan was friendly with Native Americans so he could benefit from their knowledge. He landed near Parris Island and named the area Santa Elena. He explored all through South Carolina. Write under accomplishments: Friendly with Native Americans and settled Santa Elena.
Both Spanish explorers FAILED to establish a permanent settlement.
Explorers From France
Glory: for “king and country” Jean Ribault Why did he come to the New World? Glory: for “king and country” Under motive write: To claim land for France
Jean Ribault Arrived in SC and called the area Port Royal. He and his men built a fort for protection and named it Charlesfort. Write under accomplishments: Settled Port Royal and built Charlesfort
The French FAILED to establish a permanent settlement.
Explorers From England
Glory: for “king and country” William Hilton Why did he come to the New World? Glory: for “king and country” Write under motive: Claim land for England
William Hilton First traveled to Barbados and was then hired to explore the New World. He was looking for land for plantations. He claimed Hilton Head Island. Write under accomplishments: Settled Hilton Head Island and brought plantations to SC
Glory: for “king and country” Henry Woodward Why did he come to the New World? Glory: for “king and country” Write under motive: Claim land for England
He was friendly with the Native Americans and traded with them. Henry Woodward He later moved on further into SC and established a settlement called Charles Town. He was friendly with the Native Americans and traded with them. He landed near Bull’s Bay and named the area Fort Royal, which was the 1st English settlement in SC.
The English explorers were SUCCESSFUL in establishing a permanent settlement!