Association for Information Systems Learn how an AIS membership can elevate your IS career
About AIS 4,000+ members IS academics, doctoral students, and professionals in more than 100 countries Who We Are
What We Do Create and maintain a professional identity Connect governments, the private sector, and education Improve IS curricula and pedagogy Lead IS research and education Create pathways to IS jobs
What AIS Can Do For You Supporting career development at all stages Giving you more outlets for getting published faster Hosting premier conferences for more career contacts Our goal: to help you advance your IS career by… How We Help YOU
Career Development 11 pathways to present or publish your research 37 SIGs = research-focused networking 37 Chapters = local networking Free web space to promote yourself (AIS Career Placement Service)
IS Research Exclusive access to the AIS eLibrary. It’s a gold mine…dig into 27,000+ articles AIS member discounts on dozens of other journals
Available Journals AIS THCI AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interactions JAIS Journal of the Association for Information Systems CAIS Communications of the Association for Information Systems JITTA Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application TRR (NEW in 2014!) AIS Transactions on Replication Research
Available Journals MISQ Management Information Systems Quarterly MISQe MIS Quarterly Executive PAJAIS Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems RELCASI Revista Latinoamericana Y Del Caribe De La Association De SIstemas De Informacion SJIS Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems
Conferences Attend, network, present, get recognized! –Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) –International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Plus affiliated and chapter conferences around the globe. All proceedings published in the AIS eLibrary.
IS Community AIS members receive conference, car rental, and airfare discounts. Faculty Directory to search for colleagues in the field Awards –LEO (Lifetime Achievement) –AIS Fellow –Education –Technology –Best Publications AIS InSider e-newsletter
Teaching Tools Increase your program’s visibility and prepare your students for the field by leading an AIS student chapter. Enhance curriculum with live and recorded webinars of industry professionals.
AIS Student Chapters Increase your enrollments Connect your IS graduates with worldwide job opportunities Attract business and industry leaders to your campus Gain worldwide recognition for your students and university through the annual Student Chapter Leadership Conference and Competition.
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