Media Literacy is a 21st century approach to education.
It provides a way for us to watch, analyze, evaluate, and create media- from print to video to the Internet. Media Literacy helps us understand of the role of media in society.
It gives us the needed skills to question our world and to express ourselves. These skills are needed for those who live in a democracy.
“At the heart of media literacy is the principle of inquiry.” - Elizabeth Thoman, CML Founder
Media ‘bashing’ is NOT media literacy. However, media literacy sometimes involves criticizing the media. Making media is NOT media literacy. Simply looking for political agendas, stereotypes or misrepresentations is NOT media literacy. Understanding the beliefs behind the messages that make them seem “normal” is media literacy. What Media Literacy is NOT
Looking at a media message or experience from just one point of view is NOT media literacy. We need to think of how other people see media. Media literacy does NOT mean “don't watch;” it means “watch carefully, think critically.” With thanks to Renee Hobbs, Chris Worsnop,Neil Andersen, Jeff Share and Scott Sullivan. © Copyright 2003 Center for Media Literacy / What Media Literacy is NOT
Why Media Literacy is Important Media is everywhere in our culture and society. List Three Pieces of Media Consumed in the Last Week --With thanks to Len Masterman, Teaching the Media
Why Media Literacy is Important The media’s shapes our views, beliefs and attitudes. List Three Ways you Have been Influenced by the Media --With thanks to Len Masterman, Teaching the Media
Why Media Literacy is Important Information and communication is more and more often visual in our society. Try and think of ways you communicate with the world without visuals --With thanks to Len Masterman, Teaching the Media
Why Media Literacy is Important The importance of information in society and the need for lifelong learning. How does media help you learn? How do you use media in your classes? How could media be used in your classes to assist in your education? What do you learn from your interactions with media? How can creating media educate you? --With thanks to Len Masterman, Teaching the Media