The Role of the Guidance Dept Provide guidance to all students in the area of academic planning – ie scheduling, course/elective selection, graduation requirements, testing, etc. Provide counseling. High school can often be a very stressful time for students and at times can be overwhelming. Our doors are always open and we can address any issues including : Personal or Family concerns Academic Concerns Career development concerns Personal adjustment concerns - ie new students, new schedules, etc. Assist all students with the college selection and college admissions process, including: Information gathering: help us get to know you Explaining admissions criteria Letters of recommendations, college visits, filling out applications, preparing for college interviews Administering and assisting with standardized tests: ie: SAT, ACT Provide college representatives to discuss different colleges Help address financial aid issues Provide information on scholarships and other opportunities Student Assistance Counselor’s Role
What colleges look for Strength of schedule and Grades – Colleges want students who challenge themselves and perform well. Standardized Test Scores – SAT, ACT, SAT II achievement tests How can you prepare for these tests? a. Get into the habit of reading: books, newspapers, magazines etc. b. Practice writing: Each test now has an optional writing portion. The more you write, the easier it becomes. c. Naviance Method Test Prep Letters of recommendations – Work on relationships with teachers and counselors a. The better teachers and counselors know you, the better their recommendations will be. Extra-curricular Activities – Colleges are looking for students who are involved, have a depth of commitment, and take on leadership positions a. Sports, music, art, theatre, clubs, involvement with community, church, etc.
CLASS OF 2018 Requirements for Graduation Students are eligible for graduation once they have successfully completed a total of 22 units of credit. In order to receive a high school diploma, students must successfully complete: Regents DiplomaAdvanced Designation Regents Diploma English4English4 Social Studies4Social Studies4 Math3Math3 Science3Science3 LOTE1*LOTE3*** Art/Music1Art/Music1 Health.5Health.5 Physical Education2Physical Education2 TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION = 22
Exam requirements REGENTS DIPLOMAADVANCED REGENTS DIPLOMA English Comprehensive ExamEnglish Comprehensive Exam Algebra IAlgebra I Regents, Geometry Regents and Alg II/Trigonometry Regents Regents Global History ExamRegents Global History Exam Regents U.S. History ExamU.S. History Exam Regents Science Exam2 Regents Science Exams (one from Living Environment and one from Physical Setting Comprehensive FLACS Exam *Students are required to have completed 2 units of study in a Language Other Than English (LOTE) by the end of their freshman year. ***Students acquiring 5 units in one of the following may be exempt from the Language Other Than English requirement: Art, Music, Business, or Career and Technical Education. Students can earn a Mastery in Science or Math designation by earning grades of 85 or higher on three commencement level regents exams in math or science.
Naviance Family Connection 9 TH GRADE INTRODUCTORY MEETING
WHAT IS IT? Web-based resource that supports course, career, and college planning Specific to our school Linked with Counselor’s Office, a service that we use in the counseling office WHAT CAN IT DO? Share plans Complete surveys Compare colleges Links to selected third party resources (i.e. College Board, Financial Aid, College Athletics, College searches, etc.) Track deadlines Show schedule of college visits
Go to “About Me” tab and then Checklist for a detailed list of items requiring completion for your college search, selection and application process
Keep track of your extra-curricular activities with the resume feature Click on about me tab for resume
SAT PREP FOR ALL MHS STUDENTS SAT PREP FOR ALL MHS STUDENTS Naviance now provides a free SAT test preparation program. The program includes lessons, practice questions, and full length practice exams.
MHS 9 th Grade Survey
Personality Assessment- Do What You Are-
Personality Assessment Results
Personality Types REALISTIC- like to work with hands..doers who enjoy problem solving INVESTIGATIVE- like to analyze and solve problems. They often like to work independently and tend to excel at math and science. ARTISTIC- They like to do creative activities like art, drama, dance, music, or creative writing. They like unstructured environments where they can use their creativity SOCIAL-like to work directly with people. They enjoy training, instructing, counseling, or helping others. They are often good public speakers with helpful, empathetic personalities. ENTERPRISING-like to work with other people and enjoy leading, influencing, and persuading others. They tend to be leaders with assertive and enthusiastic personalities who like sell things or ideas. CONVENTIONAL -like to work with numbers, records, or machines in an orderly way. They are very detail-oriented and like to work with data. They have good organizational skills and number sense.
Possible Realistic Careers: farmercarpentertruck driver fire fighterpilotelectrician locksmithflight engineerforester Possible Investigative Careers: chemistbiologistdentist pharmacistarchitectphysician meteorologistmathematicianveterinarian Possible Artistic Careers book editorgraphic designeractor comediandancerart teacher disk jockeycomposerdesigner Possible Social Careers counselorparole officernurse teacherathletic trainerlibrarian social workerphysical therapist Possible Enterprising Careers sales persontravel agentlawyer TV Newscasterbank presidentjudge city managerreal estate agent Possible Conventional Careers secretarybookkeepercourt clerk title examinermail carriertypist bank tellerpost office clerk