Rope and Washer History  Has been used before, but has never cost $5  Other areas have struggled with issues surrounding durability – clients want it.


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Presentation transcript:

Rope and Washer History  Has been used before, but has never cost $5  Other areas have struggled with issues surrounding durability – clients want it to last longer  We do not think this will be an issue for IDE Myanmar Potential Issues  The rope stretches – does this matter?  Sun deterioration – will farmers be willing to replace parts during the season?  Can we make it foot rather than hand powered?  What kind of cheap wheel can we use at the top? Our Process  How to make the rope and washer pump cheaper:  Could we use bamboo for the river pipe?  Could we use a soda bottle for the guide pulley?  Are there found materials for the main wheel?  Can it be a “rope and rope” pump?


Plastic Pump Thermo Plastic Welding Injection Molding Blow Molding  High tooling cost  Can’t protoype it from Stanford  Inner bore needs an angle  Cheaper than injection  Imprecise inner diameter  Can Prototype it here  Reasonable fixed costs – high variable costs (labor)

Basic Economics Will the pump get the farmers to the next stage?  Cost of tube well = $20  Cost of metal pump = $15  Cost of Frame = $10  Acre of Land = $400 NPV for “one-year” pump Cost of Pump = $8 Profit from Crop = $100 One Crop Two Crops Cost of Capital (per month) = 10% Cost of Capital (per month) = 20% $63.30 $66.48$43.23 $ Total addressable market size ~ 5 M Conservatively: 20% of $43 NPV Social Impact = $43 M !

Water Displacement  Feasibility – will farmers use it?  User Interface Rope and Washer  Flow Rate  Degradation Diaphragm Pump  Lift  Flow Rate Plastic Pump  Cost Targets (bamboo as substitute?)  Manufacturability  Framing Vulnerability – potential pitfalls

Next Steps  Select single design (focus)  Plastic?  Prototype in multiple configurations (go broad one last time)  Deliver