CREATING SHARED VALUE PROMOTING ENVIRONMENT, SOCIAL AND INDUSTRY STANDARDS Prepared by: Nada Shousha, Country Manager, Egypt, Libya and Yemen October 25, 2015
Creating Shared Value Footer “When a well-run business applies its vast resources, expertise and management talent to problems it understands and in which it has a stake, it can have a greater impact on social good than any other institution or philanthropic organization.” Michael Porter and Mark Kramer Harvard Business Review, 2006 “Good business is sustainable and sustainability is good business” IFC, 2010
Why Sustainability?
Environment, Social and Industry Standards …work with firms to improve performance and reduce costs through implementation of good practices and efficient verification and certification schemes in their supply chain. Examples of issues addressed include child labor, gender-appropriate labor practices, biodiversity protection and sustainable land management.
How IFC Supports ESG IFC works with companies to move beyond compliance by: Building company capacity to launch initiatives that benefit both the company and the local community Developing and disseminating good international practices Facilitating corporate-community engagement Encouraging participatory planning and monitoring for community development Working with companies to identify the business case for investing in communities and increasing participation of local businesses in the supply chain IFC also works with governments and other organizations to: Build local government capacity to manage tax/royalty payments to improve community welfare Support civil society organizations to ensure that local governments are accountable for how they spend tax resources
Examples of Promoting ESG and Industry Standards Working with Wadi Holdings in Egypt to improve corporate governance We conducted a corporate governance assessment of Wadi Holdings, a family-owned company with 14 subsidiaries, primarily in agribusiness. We developed a plan for improving board effectiveness, management control functions, shareholder and disclosure practices, and family governance issues such as establishing a family employment policy. Results and Impact: Enhanced market reputation / Financing of $45 million in debt and $6 million in equity -- supported by improved corporate governance practices.
Examples of Promoting ESG and Industry Standards Working with Ecom to increase sustainable coffee supply and farmer productivity We worked with Ecom, an international commodity trader and an IS/AS client, to help develop a sustainable supply of coffee and support farmers strengthen agricultural practices and meet environmental, and social standards in Central America. We now expand the success of the program in other coffee-producing countries around the world. Results and Impact: 40,000 coffee farmers reached / 15,000 farmers certified / 32,676 hectares of land sustainably managed / 81,000 metric tons of certified coffee bought by Ecom / $14 million of additional sales revenue generated for smallholders.
Strategic Community Investment …works with firms to increase benefits to local communities, focusing on the natural resources, agribusiness, forestry, and infrastructure industries to increase their investment in local communities and convey benefits through their supply chains and tax/royalty payments.
Examples of Supporting Sustainable Supply Chain /Community Investment Working with West Bank Olive Oil Exporters IFC worked with olive oil companies – representing the majority of the sector in the West Bank and Gaza – to develop supply chains, improve quality, and increase exports. We advised them on how to access international markets, obtain financing, find ways to use byproducts from olive oil processing, and reduce negative environmental impacts. Results and Impact: Olive oil exports increased by 40 percent. We helped establish a unified brand “Daskara” and a traceability manual was developed
Examples of Supporting Sustainable Supply Chain /Community Investment Working with Rio Tinto to engage local businesses in its supply chain in Guinea We work with international mining company and IS/AS client Rio Tinto to ensure the participation of local businesses in its supply chain as it develops its Simandou iron ore project in Guinea, in which IFC is a 5% shareholder. We aim to build the capacity of local suppliers and business management trainers, help Rio Tinto develop local procurement policies, and work with other key stakeholders to develop local supply chains. Results and Impact: (Building on a pilot program) $9 million in new contracts between local businesses and international mining companies and creating 700 new jobs for local businesses
Example of Municipal Engagement: Peru IFC is working with local governments in Peru to invest royalties from extractive industries in projects that benefit local communities. More specifically, IFC aims to strengthen the investment capacity of 30 municipalities in eight extractive regions, ultimately benefiting 250,000 inhabitants, through the use of IFC tools, methodology and a free web-based portal for municipal officials. Over 1,200 municipalities - more than two thirds of Peru’s municipalities - and 15,300 individual users have received advice and information through IFC's web-based platform Municipio al Dia. This successful model is now being replicated in Columbia.