© 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation Switch off Fortnight /11/11 to 02/12/11. At Hawes Side Primary School Blackpool Coordinated by the Green Council
ENERGY: powers transport, cooks food, heats and lights homes, powers machines and gadgets. © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation Photo: Graham Turner
© 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation
Photo: Graham Turner Our energy is made in Power stations which burn fossil fuels to make energy Once electricity has been made it is moved over the country using pylons and enters our homes through wires. We plug appliances in to use the electricity. Cars also burn fossil fuels in the form of petrol and diesel to make them move.
Most of our energy comes from FOSSIL FUELS : COAL, OIL and GAS. Coal, oil and gas are burned at power stations, in cars and in our homes to make energy. © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation In the UK about 90% of energy used for heat, electricity and transport comes from burning fossil fuels. World Energy Outlook 2008
© 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation
Burning fossil fuels is causing global warming. One day we will run out of fossil fuels and they will be gone for ever. © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation
So what should we do?
As a country we need to Invest in renewable energy Like wind turbines or solar panels. Our school now has its own solar panels which generates clean electricity for school. This is a great step forward. © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation Photo: Graham Turner
USE LESS ENERGY! And we can all :- © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation Photo: David Sillitoe
Last year we made great progress in reducing energy consumption in school But there is still room for improvement. Eg. Last week over 40 lights were left on in classrooms at lunch when they didn’t need to be on There were over 60 appliances on or on standby over the lunch period when they didn’t need to be. On the first Power Ranger visit in October Over 60 appliances were left on or on standby over night.
We need everyone but especially the staff to Switch off lights when you leave a room Switch off anything on standby Switch off any electrical appliances completely (and appropriately) Close doors - reduces heat loss and saves energy.
What you will be doing in class over the next two weeks finding out how energy is produced in this country take part in lessons on reducing energy consumption. upload class work around energy to the POD –The more we upload the better the chances of winning prizes for school. Complete homework tasks on reducing energy consumption at home. Make a pledge with parents about saving energy in the home.
At the end of the first week, we will carry out another audit of the school. We will be looking for the most improved classes in school. Another audit will be carried out at the end of the two weeks. Together we can make a difference! remember
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