1 reTHINK Deliverables, How To Read reThink deliverables quick starter
2 reThink Work Breakdown Structure reTHINK Project M9 Review WP8- Management WP1- Use Cases and Business Models WP2- Overall architecture WP3 - Core framework implementation WP3 - Core framework implementation WP5 - Scenario/Service implementation WP6- Integration, End users experimentation WP7- Dissemination activity/Impact management WP4 - Govenance and Security model implementation WP4 - Govenance and Security model implementation
3 reThink deliverables quick starter reThink Deliverables D1.1 Use cases and Sustainable Business models for reTHINK D1.1 Use cases and Sustainable Business models for reTHINK D2.1 Framework architecture definition D4.1 Management and Security features specifications D4.1 Management and Security features specifications D5.1 Service Scenarios Specification D5.1 Service Scenarios Specification D6.1Testbed specification D2.2 Data Models and Interface Specification of the framework D2.2 Data Models and Interface Specification of the framework D3.1 Hyperty Runtime and Hyperty Messaging Node Specification D3.1 Hyperty Runtime and Hyperty Messaging Node Specification ↖ WBS
4 D1.1 Use cases and Sustainable Business models for reTHINK project.eu/bscw/bscw.cgi/d30179/D1.1%20Use%20cases%20and%20Sustaina ble%20Business%20models%20for%20reTHINK.pdf General Introduction and business trends – Chapter 1 & 2 Description of User scenarios and use cases covering areas like context based social communication, - urban participation for mobile eGovernment in a smart city, user-IoT entity interaction and Content delivery and Use-case prioritization for WP2 and WP5 – Chapter 3 Business Models for most promising use cases – § 3.5 Business processes for Service lifecycle management and business relationships management – Chapter 4 reThink deliverables quick starter ↖List of deliverables
5 D2.1 Framework architecture definition project.eu/bscw/bscw.cgi/d30184/D2.1%20Framework%20Architecture%20D efinition.pdf This document describes the overall architecture and requirements for the reTHINK project. Architecture framework (chapter 1-10) – Requirements Chapter 2 – Architecture overview Chapter 5 Extensive study of the state of the Art – Annex A and use-case – Annex B reThink deliverables quick starter ↖List of deliverables
6 D2.2 Data Models and Interface Specification of the framework project.eu/bscw/bscw.cgi/d30194/D2.2%20Data%20Models%20and%20Interf ace%20Specification%20of%20the%20Framework.pdf Describes the data models to be used to describe Hyperties and the interfaces for the architecture defined in D2.1. Requirements – Chapter 3 Specifications of the DataModel – Chapter 5 Interface generic design – Chapter 6 reThink deliverables quick starter ↖List of deliverables
7 D3.1 Hyperty Runtime and Hyperty Messaging Node Specification project.eu/bscw/bscw.cgi/d30198/D3.1%20Hyperty%20Runtime%20and%20 Hyperty%20Messaging%20Node%20Specification-V1.1.pdf This document describes the technical details and the information needed by developers to start prototyping reTHINK Core Framework, which is comprised of the runtime environment where Hyperties are executed and the messaging nodes used to support messages exchange between Hyperties. Hyperty Runtime Specification – Chapter 4 Messaging Node Specification – Chapter 5 reThink deliverables quick starter ↖List of deliverables
8 D4.1 Management and Security features specifications project.eu/bscw/bscw.cgi/d30208/D4.1%20Management%20and%20Security %20features%20Specifications.pdf Provides a detailed specification of the Policy Management, Governance, Identity Management, Graph Connector and the Hyperty Directory service components. Identity & Trust Management – Chapter 3 Hyperty Registry and Catalogue – Chapter 4 Graph Connector – Chapter 5 Governance & Policy Management – Chapter 6 reThink deliverables quick starter ↖List of deliverables
9 D5.1 Service Scenarios Specification This document will contain a detailed and systematic description of Service scenarios and Hyperties specified in T5.1 which will be implemented in the next tasks of this WP. reThink deliverables quick starter ↖List of deliverables
10 D6.1 Testbed specification Defines technical infrastructure and provides manual for using, connecting to the testbed infrastructure. reThink deliverables quick starter ↖List of deliverables