Why do so many people dislike immigrants?
German Immigrants The Germans were the second largest group to come to America in the mid 1800’s – Escaping violence Many with money to buy land and begin farming – Ohio and Pennsylvania
Irish Immigrants After the potato famine that started in 1845 many Irish came to America No money Unskilled laborers and servants – Factories and railroad
Nativism Increasing hostility towards foreigners Many were anti-Catholic Irish Need Not Apply Women’s wages Know Nothings – Nativist Political Party
Second Great Awakening Protestant revival Started in KY and spread nationwide Camp meetings – Huge rallies (Like Woodstock) Rejected the Calvinist view of predestination Leads to national reforms
Utopian Communities Try to create perfect world New Harmony Indiana Oneida NY
The Transcendentalists Philosophers who believed that the most important truths of life go beyond human understanding Prized self-reliance & the questioning of authority-
The Major Reform Movements The Temperance Movement Public Education Abolition / Anti-slavery Inspired by Second Great Awakening
American Temperance Society Urged people to pledge not to drink Est. alcohol-free hotels & Boat lines Urged employers to require their workers to sign anti-drinking pledges Between the 1830’s & the 1860’s alcohol consumption dropped dramatically – High of 7.1 gallons in 1830 – Low of 1.8 gallons in – 2011 it was 2.3 gallons
Dorothea Dix Visited a prison and was unhappy with the conditions – Mentally ill especially Use more humane methods
Education Reform Horace Mann – Father of Public Education Created the first State Board of Education 1837 – Doubles teachers salaries – Opened 50 schools – Opened teacher colleges 1852 mandatory school attendance MA Bigger in north than south
Seneca Falls Convention New York 1848, Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady Stanton Voting rights First organized women’s rights movement
Abolition Movement Gradualism was a plan to end slavery one piece at a time Colonization was the shipping of slaves back to Africa Dec the American Colonization Society wanted to send people to Liberia
Colonization 1822, many abolitionists called for sending the slaves to Western Africa – Liberia By 1831, only about 1,400 freed men had gone to Liberia Many of the freed slaves were against being sent back to Africa Liberia currently 64% in poverty
Radical Abolition By 1829, there were around 50 anti-slavery group that were formed by blacks David Walker was a freed man – wrote an essay on the rights of blacks America was for blacks as well as whites – Died on the streets of Boston – “Somebody must die in this cause”
William Lloyd Garrison 1831, began publishing The Liberator Anti-slavery newspaper 1833, he founded the American Anti- Slavery Society-
William Lloyd Garrison Nearly killed in the streets of Boston in 1835
Fredrick Douglas Runaway slave Settled in New Bedford Massachusetts 1847, established the Northern Star Newspaper-
Sojourner Truth Slave from New York – Freed when the state banned slavery 1827 Deeply religious – Played on peoples morals – Was light hearted when presenting
Elijah Lovejoy Abolitionist from Maine moved to St. Louis Published anti-slavery newspaper – Printing press destroyed Forced to move to Alton IL – Two more presses destroyed – Orders fourth Killed by mob
Reaction to Abolitionism North fears war with south – Competition with slave labor – Wants southern economy intact (textiles) South feels slavery is necessary – View abolitionist papers as the cause of slave revolts (Nat Turner) – 1836 Southerners suppress abolitionist papers through congress with “gag rule”