I can identify effective means to create a healthy dating relationship. I can identify warning signs in an unhealthy dating relationship. I can create and practice a dating bill of rights. LEARNING TARGETS
If you could only take 3 people with you on a trip, who would you take and why? JOURNAL WEEK
Young men may believe: They have the right to “control” their female partners in any way necessary. “Masculinity” is physical aggressiveness. They should demand intimacy. They may lose respect if they are attentive and supportive towards their girlfriends. Young women may believe: They are responsible for solving problems in their relationships. Their boyfriend’s jealousy, possessiveness and even physical abuse, is “romantic”. Abuse is “normal” because their friends are also being abused. There is no one to ask for help. INFLUENCES ON TEEN DATING VIOLENCE
1.Get to know the person you are interested in by becoming friends first. 2.Only go out with someone you genuinely trust. 3.Decide before you go out how you want to be treated. 4.Be polite but clear about your expectations. Live your values. 5.Make sure you have input on activities-share decisions and talk about issues as they come up. 6.Don’t go anywhere you don’t feel safe. Trust your instincts. Learn to say “No”. 7.Always tell someone you trust where you are going and when you plan to return. Leave contact information and times to check in with each other. 8.Be responsible! 9.Never go with strangers. Call a friend or parent to come and get you if necessary. 10.End a friendship if negative behaviors start to develop. SAFETY STRATEGIES FOR TEEN DATING
1.Double date the first few times you go out with a new person. 2.Before leaving on a date, know the plans for the time you will be gone. Make sure a parent or friend knows these plans too. 3.Determine a time to be home. Let your date know that you are expected to call or tell someone when you get in. 4.Be responsible! 5.Assert yourself when necessary. Be firm and straightforward in your relationships. 6.Trust your instincts. If a situation makes you uncomfortable, try to be calm and think of a way to remove yourself from the situation. SAFETY STRATEGIES FOR TEEN COUPLES
Extreme jealousy Controlling behavior Uses for during an argument Cruel to animals or children Verbally abusive Abused former partner Threatens violence Shows hypersensitivity Quick involvement Unpredictable mood swings Alcohol or drug use Explosive anger Isolates you from friend and family Blames others for problems or feelings BEWARE OF THE SIGNS EARLY WARNING SIGNS OF ABUSIVE BEHAVIORS
Build Balance Non- threatening behavior Respect Trust & Support Honesty & Accountability Self- Confidence & Personal Growth Communication Shared Power Negotiation & Fairness TEEN DATING EQUALITY WHEEL
Dating Contract/Bill ASSIGNMENT
YOUR RIGHTS Create a list of your “Dating Bill of Rights” Minimum of 10 Rights Reflection Is it important to have limits & rights in dating relationships? Why or why not? What happens when someone doesn’t follow your rights? How important is advice or input from your parents when it comes to your relationships?
What can I do to create a healthy dating relationship? What are signs I should consider in a relationship that may be unhealthy? What rights do I have in a dating relationship? WRAP IT UP