Administrative Leadership Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015 Chancellor Randy Woodson
Upcoming ALM Topic Jan. 19, 2016 Understanding our Rankings (Titmus Theatre)
The Pathway to the Future: NC State’s Strategic Plan Report Card Fall 2015 Report Card Fall 2015
TIMELINE Summer 2010 Initiated strategic planning process Spring 2011 BOT endorsed The Pathway to the Future: NC State's Strategic Plan Fall 2011 Released 1 st 3-year implementation plan (FY 2012, 2013, 2014) Spring 2013 Finalized metrics and established baselines and goals Fall 2014 Reported on results of 1 st 3-year implementation plan Released 2 nd 3-year implementation plan (FY 2015, 2016, 2017)
Goal 1: Success of Our Students Key Accomplishments since Fall 2014 Centralized internal and external transfer admissions Established University College and continued the evolution of DASA Created new tools and opportunities for student engagement Life Sciences First Year Program TH!NK initiative COE Program Enhancement Fee First-year internal doctoral fellowships Provost’s Professional Experience Program New suspension and academic progress policies
Metric Baseline (Fall 2010) Goal (Fall 2020) Fall 2014Fall 2015Trend Enrollment Profile Undergraduate Students (head count) 25,24625,71324,47324,111 Enrollment Profile Graduate Students (head count) 9,13011,2879,5169,904 Admissions Profile Mean SAT Admissions Profile Top 10% of Class 41.8%55%51.4%51.0% Student Diversity % Female 45%~ 50%44%45% Student Diversity % Under Represented Minority 17%Increase16%18% Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success
Metric Baseline (Fall 2011) Goal (Fall 2021) Fall 2014Fall 2015Trend Undergrad 1 st Year Retention 1,2,3 89%94%93.0%93.7% Undergrad 6-Year Grad. Rate 2,3,4 72%80%73.9%75.8% Grad Student Completion Rate 4 Masters (4 Years) 83.0%88%86.4%85.8% Grad Student Completion Rate 4 Doctoral (6 Years) 54.9%60%59.7%60.6% Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success 1.Fall data regards persistence of previous year’s cohort, i.e. Fall 2011 baseline data is about Fall 2010 freshman cohort. 2.UNC-GA Performance Metric 3.Metric used in UNC-GA management flexibility reductions 4.Fall data includes completions through end of previous academic year, i.e. Fall 2011 baseline data includes completions through AY
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success 1.Alumni Survey given every three years Metric Baseline (Spring 2009) Goal (Spring 2021) Spring Spring 2015 Trend Alumni Survey Questions: Excellent or Good How well prepared were you for graduate/professional school? 83.2%90%88.7%89.6% How well prepared were you for your first full-time permanent position? 77.4%85%78.7%75.2%
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success Metric Baseline (AY 10-11) Goal (AY 20-21) AY 13-14AY 14-15Trend Associates Degrees Bachelors Degrees5,1755,8005,5355,594 Masters Degrees2,0802,5002,4552,338 Doctoral Degrees DVM Degrees
Goal 2: Scholarship and Research Goal 3: Interdisciplinary Scholarship Key Accomplishments since Fall 2014 Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program University Faculty Scholars Chancellor’s Innovation Fund and Research Innovation Seed Funding UNC Research Opportunities Initiative (ROI) awards $6.5 M from NIEHS to Study Effect of Environment on Human Health $324 K grant from National Endowment for the Humanities Data Science Initiative
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success Metric Baseline (Fall 2010) Goal (Fall 2020) Fall 2014Fall 2015Trend Faculty Profile Tenured/Tenure-track (FTE) 1,3431,7001,3431,360 Faculty Profile Non Tenure-track (FTE) Post-doc Scholars 1 (Headcount) Post-doc scholars totaled at end of calendar year, per NSF 2.CY 2013 data, latest available from NSF 3.CY2014 data from NC State Postdoctoral Affairs
Metric Baseline (FY 10-11) Goal (FY 20-21) FY 12-13FY Trend Research Expenditures: 1 Total ($1,000s) 3 $378,154$575,000$417,468 $446,112 Federal ($1,000s)$155,293$250,000$177,118 $181,449 Non-Federal ($1,000s)$222,861$325,000$240,350 $264,663 Research Expenditures 1 per T/TT Faculty: Total ($1,000s)$282$338$314$332 Federal ($1,000s)$116$147$133$135 Non-Federal ($1,000s)$166$191$181$197 Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success 1.Data per NSF Survey of Research and Development Expenditures at Universities and Colleges/Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey data is latest available. 3.UNC-GA Performance Metric
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success: Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program Original goal: Hire 38 new faculty in 12 strategic clusters Hires planned Hires to date Hiring completed Bioinformatics44 Data-Driven Science43 Digital Transformation of Education55 Environmental Health Science44 Forensic Sciences42 Genetic Engineering and Society33 Geospatial Analytics33 Global Environmental Change and Human Well-Being33 Innovation + Design22 Personalized Medicine55 Synthetic and Systems Biology44 Translational Regenerative Medicine33 Total Faculty Cluster Hires Planned hires increased to 44 with opportunity hires and additional positions
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success: Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Program Original goal: Hire 33 new faculty in 8 strategic clusters Hires planned Ads out Interviews underway Carbon Electronics5 Emerging Plant Disease and Global Food Security4 Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene4 Leadership in Public Science4 Microbiomes and Complex Microbial Communities4 Modeling the Living Embryo4 Sustainable Energy Systems and Policy4 Visual Narrative4 Total Faculty Cluster Hires33
Goal 4: Organizational Excellence Key Accomplishments since Fall 2014 New Hires: Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Economic Development, College of Sciences Dean, and Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Data-based decision making tools Reaffirmation of accreditation by SACSCOC Strategic Resource Management Strategic Risk Management Continued rollout of new brand strategy College of Education realignment Campus security investments Faculty Ombuds Office NC State Employee Dependent’s Tuition Scholarship Talley Student Union and other building projects Statewide bond proposal (Engineering and Plant Sciences)
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success 1.UNC-GA Performance Metric 2.Metric used in UNC-GA management flexibility reductions data from UNC-GA data from UNC-GA, latest available Metric Baseline (FY 10-11) Goal (FY 20-21) FY 13-14FY 14-15Trend Education and Related Expense per Degree 1,2 $63,905 Decrease as appropriate $64,808 3 $61,744 4 Annual Giving$95M$200M$117M$119M Annual Donors20,91830,00024,05024,007 Endowment$618M$1,206M$885M$984M
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success Metric Baseline (Fall 2010) Goal (Fall 2020) Fall 2014Fall 2015Trend % Female Faculty (Headcount) Tenured/Tenure-track25%Increase29% Non Tenure-track47%~ 50%47%51% % URM Faculty (Headcount) Tenured/Tenure-track16%Increase18%19% Non Tenure-track10%Increase9%11%
Goal 5: Local and Global Engagement Key Accomplishments since Fall 2014 NC State Economic Impact Study Office of Tech Transfer initiatives: VIP Portal and PackStart Program Evolution of IES, now Industry Expansion Solutions APLU Innovation and Economic Prosperity University Award Ongoing development of international partnerships Initiatives to increase Study Abroad participation Simon Award for Campus Internationalization
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success Metric Baseline (AY 10-11) Goal (AY 20-21) AY 13-14AY 14-15Trend Study Abroad: All categories (students) 1,0872,0001,1801,248 Co-op Activity: Co-op Work Rotations8841,3001,2211,300 Students6921,
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success Metric Baseline (FY 10-11) Goal (FY 20-12) FY 13-14FY 14-15Trend Innovation and Entrepreneurship Activity: Total Commercialization Agreements 90Increase Start-up Companies6Increase1012
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement How We Measure Success Metric Baseline ( Edition) Goal2015 Edition2016 Edition U.S. News Ranking (National Universities) Overall111Top Public52Top Baseline rank is from 2011 edition which was released Fall 2010.
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement U.S. News Overall Rank 2011 to 2016 Editions 1.Baseline rank is from 2011 edition which was released Fall
Enhance student success Enhance scholarship & research Enhance interdisciplinary scholarship Enhance organizational excellence Enhance local & global engagement U.S. News Ranking Criteria 2016 Edition
The Pathway to the Future: NC State’s Strategic Plan