7 Wonders of World. Besides mysteries, both unexplained and scientifically proved, the world has many wonders made by man.
The Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid was built at the order of the Pharaoh Cheops. More than 100,000 slaves laboured for twenty years to built it. The Great Pyramid is 5,000 years ago.
It was built along arches and towers and looked like a wall of flowers and green shrubs. The gardens were built by King Nebuchodnozzor. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia. The statue was 40 feet high ( 7 times a man’s high) and was made of marble, decorated with pure gold and ivory. After 1,000 years, an earthquake tumbled it down.
The Pharos of Alexandria. It was built by Alexander the Great. It guarded the harbour of Alexandria, in Egypt, and light from a high tower could be seen for 60 miles.
The Colossus of Rhodes. Rhodes is an island near the Greece. Standing across the entrance to its big harbour, was a huge statue of the sun god Helios, famous as the Colossus of Rhodes. Although ships sailed beneath these giant feet.
The Temple 0f Artemis at Ephesus. The temple stood for 600 years in Ephesus, a great city of Syria. It was sacred to Artemis, called Diana, goddess of the moon. The Temple was destroyed by barbaric.
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. The original Mausoleum built in memory of king Mausolus by his widow.