1 Performance of a Magnetised Scintillating Detector for a Neutrino Factory Scoping Study Meeting Rutherford Appleton Lab Tuesday 25 th April 2006 M. Ellis & A. Bross
2 Outline Detector description Simulation Digitisation Data set Example events Reconstruction Performance: u Points per track u Track Length u Position Resolution u Reconstruction efficiency u Charge mis-ID rate u Momentum resolution u P from track length u Electron identification u Electron reconstruction Next steps
3 Detector Description All scintillator box (15m x 15m x 100m) sitting inside a magnetic field (e.g. ATLAS style air toroid). Basic unit is a triangular pyramid: u base 3 cm u height 1.5 cm u length 15 m Uniform magnetic fields simulated: u 0.15 T u 0.30 T u 0.45 T Digitisation takes into account dE/dx in scintillator slab and reasonable light yield, but does not take into account propagation effects (small effect).
4 Real Scintillator (from MINER A)
5 Small Detector
6 Full Detector 15 m 100 m Total mass: 22.5 kT
7 Simulation GEANT4 (6.2.p02) simulation Each slab is modeled in the G4 description (parameterised solids to build an “X” and “Y” plane. Many modules containing one of each are placed down the z axis). All relevant physics processes are switched on. Magnetic field is simulated as a uniform field. Primary particles are generated as either positrons or positive muons. Three momentum ranges studied: u “Low”: 100 MeV/c – 500 MeV/c initial momentum u “Medium”: 500 MeV/c – 2.5 GeV/c initial momentum u “High”: 2.5 GeV/c – 12.5 GeV/c initial momentum u Momentum distribution is flat in all three cases Initial position just inside the “entrance” to the detector (i.e. upstream if there were a neutrino beam). Flat initial position between +10 and -10 cm in X and Y Initial direction gaussian with a width of 100 mrad in X’ and Y’
8 Digitisation Detector is broken up into: u 3333 Modules (X and Y plane) u Each plane contains 1000 slabs u Total: 6.7M channels (single-ended readout) All hits on the same slab are collected into a single Digit. dE/dx in scintillator is scaled to be equivalent to 20 Photo Electrons for a muon passing through the full height of the pyramid (i.e. 1.5 cm). Energy resolution of the readout electronics is simulated to be 2.0 Photo Electrons 0.5 Photo Electron cut is applied after merging hits into a single digit. No timing information is simulated u potential improvement for future runs u may well be useful for pattern recognition! u requires more serious thought about plausible front end electronics choices
9 Data Set Muons: u Approximately equal statistics for the three magnetic fields: s Low momentum: 100k events each s Medium momentum: 45k events each s High momentum: 10k events each Positrons: u Only simulated in a 0.3T field: s Low momentum: 100k events s Medium momentum: 49k events s High momentum: 14k events Total 635k events took approximately 3 CPU-days and occupies 8 GB (zipped). Potential for higher statistics studies without too much difficulty. Main limitation is file size of output file.
10 High Momentum Muon
11 High Momentum Positron
12 Reconstruction Pattern recognition cheats using Monte Carlo information: u Muons – select hits from primary muon (discard delta rays). No attempt is made to find kink from delta production. u Positrons – select all hits in the event (i.e. complete shower). Real pattern recognition will need to be written to study neutrino events (primary lepton vs hadronic jet, etc). Space points reconstructed using “ADC” information (no timing is digitised) Tracks are built from all space points under two hypotheses: u positive charge u negative charge Momentum resolution, efficiency, etc are determined from the fit to a positive charge. Charge mis-identification rate is found by counting the number of tracks for which the 2 of the fit as a negative particle is better than that for a positive particle.
13 Reconstructed High P Muon 10 GeV/c Muon Blue points: Hits from the primary muon Black points: All other hits
14 Reconstructed High P Positron 10 GeV/c Positron Blue points: Hits from the primary positron Black points: All other hits
15 Performance Red Red: 0.15 T Magnetic Field Green Green: 0.30 T Magnetic Field Blue Blue: 0.45 T Magnetic Field
16 Position Resolution Position resolution ~ 4.5 mm
17 Reconstruction Efficiency Red Red: 0.15 T Magnetic Field Green Green: 0.30 T Magnetic Field Blue Blue: 0.45 T Magnetic Field
18 Charge mis-Identification Red Red: 0.15 T Magnetic Field Green Green: 0.30 T Magnetic Field Blue Blue: 0.45 T Magnetic Field
19 Momentum Resolution Red Red: 0.15 T Magnetic Field Green Green: 0.30 T Magnetic Field Blue Blue: 0.45 T Magnetic Field
20 Momentum from Track Length Red Red: 0.15 T Magnetic Field * Track fit ° Track length Green Green: 0.30 T Magnetic Field * Track fit ° Track length Blue Blue: 0.45 T Magnetic Field * Track fit ° Track length 12% Resolution
21 Electron Identification Red Red: Positrons (0.3T) Blue Blue: Muons (0.3T)
22 Electron Reconstruction Red Red: 0.30 T e + Full Track Blue Blue: 0.30 T e + Short Track Green Green: 0.30 T + Full Track
23 Summary Muons are reconstructed with a high efficiency (i.e. if Pattern Recognition succeeds, the track fit is good) above about 200 MeV/c A combination of momentum determination by track fit at low momentum and track length at high momentum gives an overall resolution that is reasonably flat at about 12%. Positrons are reconstructed with a resolution which is slightly worse than that for muons, however this has not been optimised. Charge mis-identification rate is of order 10% at very low and very high momentum and drops to as little as 0.1% at 500 MeV/c. Electron and Muon identification through the measurement of dE/dx in the scintillator appears possible above about 700 MeV/c. More work required in several areas: u Muon track fit can be improved at medium-high momentum, should improve momentum resolution u Track fit (dE/dx model, MCS, etc) has not been optimised for electrons u Realistic pattern recognition needs to be implemented (especially for positrons, fit the clear track before it showers).
24 Next Steps Tune muon reconstruction to get better fit quality across full momentum range. Study Detector optimisations: u Air gap between modules (i.e. same mass, greater length). u Double ended readout? u TDC as well as ADC information (very useful for PR and Reconstruction) Implement real pattern recognition to identify tracks: u Search for multiple muon-like tracks in an event u Search for showers and jets Implement calorimetry in reconstruction Repeat study with single tracks Simulate neutrino interactions Study detector performance after reconstructing and e events.