Australian Injury & Disability Insurance Network AIIN Health Special Interest Group & ICT Geelong November
Where the idea started High level principles of Network Vision, mission and goals Success factors and benefits Network streams and packages of work What this means for Geelong What this means for ICT in Geelong Progress to date Next steps What I will cover today
TAC relocated its headquarters to Geelong, in the biggest move of any government body in the Australian state of Victoria. Relocation of TAC was so successful that a second government-owned social insurance agency - the Victorian WorkCover Authority - is also planning to relocate to Geelong from the state’s capital Melbourne. Earlier this year – Geelong became the home to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) headquarters. The region has been handed the beginnings of a great opportunity – three agencies, covering three distinct areas of personal injury and disability insurance, in one location employing over 1,500 people. The close proximity of the NDIA headquarters, TAC and VWA in Geelong present an opportunity to establish a Centre of Excellence that will bring value to the participating organisations and promote employment and economic growth to the regional area. Based on the above, a centre of excellence known as the Australian Injury and Disability Insurance Network (the Network) has been created. Why a Geelong centre of excellence?
Network high level principle City of Geelong Deakin ISCRR PIEF Core contributors/benefactors Secondary contributors/benefactors Commercial service organisations Recruitment agencies Consultancy Support services Economic benefits for Geelong, State and Commonwealth Others? Barwon Health TAC VWA NDIA
Investment pathway and target start-up position Loose network (not all in Geelong) Full Network entity, physical location, international reach Investment Low High Target start-upNow5 years?
Vision: A world-renowned network recognised for fostering, developing and inspiring excellence in the personal injury and disability sector Mission: Supporting the personal injury and disability sector to provide the Australian community with outstanding service in personal injury and disability services through leadership, best practices, research, support and training Draft vision and mission
Goals of network Low High Collaboration delivers enhanced outcomes and benefits for network partners and clients. A geographic centre for personal injury and disability excellence that attracts economic investment and contributes to regional development. Shared health and disability market development. Coordinated industry-led research. Centre of skills and expertise in insurance, disability, health and rehabilitation. Centre of education for insurance, disability, health and rehabilitation.
Delivering improved recovery and long term outcomes for scheme beneficiaries. Partner organisations achieve better client outcomes and scheme improvements through collaboration and partnership. The reputations of partner and local organisations enhanced by being associated with the Network. Like organisations, commercial bodies and supporting services are attracted to the Geelong area and their participation drives further achievement. Skilled and experienced pool of employees locally available. Geelong is the centre of education, learning and research for the insurance industry. Geelong economy is improved through the concentration investment in of the area. Delivery markets (e.g. health and disability) are capable, coordinated and centred around achieving outcomes for clients. Success factors and benefits
Network streams of work
What this means for Geelong? Economic development in attracting new businesses to Geelong in becoming a professional services, insurance, health and rehabilitation hub. Geelong put on the world map as a global centre of excellence that attracts national and international delegations and events. Brings jobs and improved professional career pathways. Increased opportunities for new industries and associated support services e.g. IT, technology. Enhance our educational and research skills, capability and reputation. Enable Geelong to develop as an inclusive and accessible city. Excellence in service provision with the ability to trial new innovation ideas, methods and approaches.
What this means for ICT in Geelong? Opportunities include: IT service provision to insurance and professional services organisations locating/expanding in Geelong. Software development to insurance and health organisations using integrated collaborative platforms. Assistive technology and rehabilitation centre of excellence Data analytics and insurance support services. Innovation in prevention and return to work strategies. Ensuring workforce participation inclusivity.
Current packages of work The three key agencies have commenced development of an approach aimed at increasing the workforce participation of those living with a disability. The Health & Disability Strategy Group, representing the TAC and VWA is in discussion with the NDIA to collaborate in the areas of Clinical Panel models and assistive technology. Learning Centre being established with Deakin University and Gordon Tafe to provide career pathways for the sector in Geelong. Supporting regional and economic development through promoting Geelong as an insurance precinct for business to invest in the region. Developing innovation in prevention strategies.
Established governance and working arrangements. Dedicated resource appointed to act as Network Champion. Developed strategic framework – Vision, Mission, Values, objectives, measure of success, initiatives and projects Established a project plan for Initiatives and drive implementation. Frameworks and arrangements documented in line with on-going strategy. Identity/branding being developed. Developed stakeholder lists, communication, engagement and partnering approach Gained $7m State and $1m Federal funding for a learning centre, in collaboration with Deakin and The Gordon. Progress to date
Continue to develop the packages of work with key partners. Continue to engage with local partners to identify collaboration opportunities within the network streams. Continue the development of the Network as a virtual entity. Next Steps