con i neutrini1 Showering Neutrino Astronomies at Horizons
con i neutrini2 Update article
con i neutrini3 Why Neutrino may see where and what gamma and UHECR are no allowed to accelerated protons interact: => the energy fluences in -rays and neutrinos are comparable due to isospin symmetry. For neutrinos the observable spectrum is practically identical to the production spectrum, whereas -rays pile up below the pair production threshold on the CMB at a few eV. The Universe acts as a calorimeter for the total injected electromagnetic energy above the pair threshold. This constrains gamma but only part of the neutrino fluxes.
con i neutrini4 High Energy Neutrino Astronomy are a Must just behind the corner Solar,Supernovae Neutrino Astronomy are probed. Cosmic rays flux as rich as BBR, being charged, are bent and smeared, blinding most CR astronomy. UHECR are direct, but BBR cut them, GZK cut, locally. UHECR themselves must produce GZK- EeV neutrinos. AGN, GRBs, Star Burst Galaxy must also produce PeV neutrinos. UHE neutrinos must emerge above atmospheric neutrino noises: muons tracks and tau showers by their decay in flight (double bang) are their best trace.
con i neutrini5 Many New Astronomies : Gravitons, Susy UHE Neutralino, low and UHE Neutrinos
con i neutrini6 Local number flux of particles
con i neutrini7 Why Horizontal – Upward Tau air- showers are easier to be revealed than muon tracks ? Because an air- shower is amplified By its huge secondary number. Millions muons, billions gamma and e-pairs, trillions or more Cerenkov photons. Muon is single, alone and shine little.
con i neutrini8 Why Horizontal – Upward Tau Showering is so much linked to neutrino mass and mixing ? Because mixing, even for minimal masses guarantee the flavour transformation from Muon Neutrinos to the Tau Neutrinos. Galactic and cosmic distances are huge respect oscillation lenghts. 8.3 pc
con i neutrini9 26th ICRC,He , p
con i neutrini10 Tau Air-Showers:In principle Astronomy versus Elementary Particle Tau Channels Modes
con i neutrini11 Tuning to Air Showers by atmosphere filter at different angles and altitudes Earth Horizons edge 20 km.
con i neutrini12 Horizontal Air Showers : A new Cosmic Ray Frontier A New mountain of views The Iceberg peak of a New Cosmic Ray Spectroscopy Neutrino and UHECR Air-showers telescopes versus Muon lepton tracks. Atmospheric Versus astrophysical signals: The vertical downward pollution versus the upward Earth opacity
con i neutrini13 Earth Opacity by Inner Earth Density Structures
con i neutrini14 The Earth act as a beam dump and the atmosphere as a calorimeter to amplify the Tau Air-Shower Charged current: Neutral current: Glashow Resonance(E = 6.3 × eV): Glashow Resonance(E = 6.3 × eV): Cascade
con i neutrini15 Muon interaction lenght Muon interaction lenght
con i neutrini16 Unstable tau versus muons at highest energy
con i neutrini17 Expected Tau events at different angles. GZK input neutrino flux Rock Water Rock
con i neutrini18 Expected μ ± events by Tau Air Showers (Hortaus) GZK input neutrino flux. Rock Water Rock
con i neutrini19 Expected GZK neutrino flux
con i neutrini20 Detectors extended in deep valley : ARGO-Tibet
con i neutrini21 The Ande Mountains as a target for detecting UHE neutrino tau by Horizontal Air-Showers at AUGER: ANDE SHADOWs on GZK Cosmic Rays from West and Young Horizontal Tau Air-Showers at EeVs D.Fargion The Astrophysical Journal,570,p
con i neutrini22 The Ande Shadows on AUGER Pastor et. All 2005
con i neutrini23 Milagro: Vertical TeV gamma versus Muon bundle by tau air-showers on horizons
con i neutrini24 The EUSO telescope seeing Hortaus in wide FOV: tens of events in three years
con i neutrini25 Showering Up - Down on MAGIC Horizons : Cosmic Rays at PeVs –EeVs energy versus Glashow Resonant 6.3 Pevs and Tau EeVs Air-Showers Muon’ s Rings and Arcs, Gamma Lateral Traces: Fan –like Horizontal Shower
con i neutrini26 Horizons distance d= 167 km √(h/2.2 km) Cerenkov Shower opening angle ~ 1 ° Conic Air Base Area A ~ 30 km 2 Truncate Air Cone height h ~ 100 km Truncate Air Cone Volume V ~ 1000 km 3 Truncate Cone Mass M ~ 1 km 3 MAGIC, while pointing a GRB or a SGR Burst at Horizons ( ~ 3% of the GRB-SGRs events ) behave as a km 3 NEUTRINO TELESCOPE astro-ph/ Neutrino Astronomy beyond and beneath the Horizons : D. FargionD. Fargion
con i neutrini27 MAGIC, while pointing a GRB, SGR or BL Lac Below The Horizons ( ~ 1% of the GRB-SGRs events ) on rock behave (near EeV n t energy) as a 75 km 3 NEUTRINO TELESCOPE L t = 10 km w.e. l t = 0.5 km w.e. Horizons distance d= 167 km √(h/2.2 km) Cerenkov Shower opening angle ~ 0.3° Inclined Rock Cilinder depth L t ~ 10 km Inclined Conic Rock Base Area A ~ 3*50 =150 km 2 Rock Cilinder depth l t ~ 0.5 km w.e. astro-ph/ D. Fargion Progh.Part.Nucl.Phys.57 (2006)
con i neutrini28 UHECR Mirror air-showers and their polarization Reflection on the Sea of UHECR air-Showers Cherenkov lightsReflection on the Sea of UHECR air-Showers Cherenkov lights
con i neutrini29 Arrays in Space Station to track Gamma and Cherenkov Horizontal Air-Showers
con i neutrini30 Air Showers on the Crown array telescope
con i neutrini31 In Conclusion, while muon tracks may hide in deep underground up-ward Muon-Neutrino Astronomy, the Tau air-Shower Neutrino Sky lay just under our own Sky: it is the Earth
con i neutrini32 Conclusioni 1.Tau Neutrino Earth Skimming Astronomy is at the edges 2.Milagro,Shalon, ASHRA,CRTNT, MAGIC and Veritas may discover its air-showers 3.AUGER and ARGO may find it in inclined events 4.Tau Airshowers may arise from the space as Terrestrial Gamma Flashes 5.Time will show that the Tau sky lay just behind our own foot 6.OUR EARTH