Early MSE Treatment Time Series Graph 20 sec. intervals/ 5 minute sample Exchanges per interval
Late Treatment Session: ORBDE Event Codes Guastello, S., & Gregson, R. (2011). Nonlinear dynamical systems analysis for the behavioral sciences using real data. NY, NY: CRC Press.
Late Treatment Session: ORBDE Event Codes Guastello, S., & Gregson, R. (2011). Nonlinear dynamical systems analysis for the behavioral sciences using real data. NY, NY: CRC Press.
Early-Late MSE Treatment Time Series Graph: A Comparison 20 sec. intervals/ 5 minute sample Exchanges per interval
Expanding and Focusing the Attentional Spotlight: Stretching and Folding: Shifts between Tightly-Loosely Coupled and Harmonic Oscillations : Recording as Markov Chains of Data Practitioner 1 Practitioner 2 Client
Final Reflective Questions What are five differences between Snoezelen, Stimulus Preference and Human Systems Dynamics Environments? So what can be done using each of those types of environments and the Adaptive Response Model to facilitate multi-scaled adaptive responses? Now what can be done to expand a client’s measurable, functional independence by facilitating each (perceptual, affective and social) adaptive responses within an MSE?
ORBDE Event Codes: Increasing Fitness with the Physical Environment Guastello, S., & Gregson, R. (2011). Nonlinear dynamical systems analysis for the behavioral sciences using real data. NY, NY: CRC Press.
Nonlinear & Dynamic MSE Treatment
A Dynamic Process means: Nothing Goes as Planned Best made Plans Some Bumps in the Road No Smooth Sailing Being in the moment before you are in the next moment…And going with the Flow
A Dynamic Process Lmessbauer
THE MSE show Questions & Experiencing …
Equipment Required Solar Projector & Accessories **Most important piece should be the Optikinetics 250 projector. Do not mount out of reach of practitioner Changes arousal baseline/behavior through stimulation of vestibular system – maintains novelty- through the moving image in all planes on floor, walls and ceiling… “The Show”
Interactive 60” or more Bubble Tube Two mirrors for corner placement for the BT to sit in front of Color Light Spray, interactive Vibro-acoustic piece --- Children/vibroball pit platform, Adults/Loveseat, Lounge Motorized Mirror Ball (1/2 RPM) on separate control switch with spot light Music which will interface with Vibro equip. Other: item with speed Adjustment, person must have control