Murrieta Valley Unified School District Destiny Quest Lexile Search.


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Presentation transcript:

Murrieta Valley Unified School District Destiny Quest Lexile Search

At school click on the Destiny Link. From home go to the Buchanan Elementary Web Site. Click on the SCHOOL DIRECTORY and use the LIBRARY link. On the Welcome Page you will find a link to our school library.

Open the Destiny Quest by clicking on the Destiny Link Click on Buchanan Elementary

Using this link will allow you to search for book in our Library. Your teacher will give you your Lexile number based on your most recent SRI testing.

Destiny Quest Search Use this screen for all searches.

How to Find a Book in your Lexile Range

In the Find box type in the word Lexile and press Go!

Our practice search is based on 300 Lexile

Using the Narrow Your Search tools click on Lexile

Use the arrows to narrow your search. Get as close to your Lexile number subtracting 50 from your Lexile for the first number and add 50 for the second number. This is YOUR range.

You will see there are 178 titles that have the range. Scroll through the list by using the next/previous button to find a few books that look interesting to you. Remember to write down the Call Number, which is the address of the book.

We found a great book! Please write down the Call Number- E BON and the title on a piece of paper

Now, let’s go find the book on the shelf! Remember Mrs. Nelson or your teacher can help you find your books so please ask! We are here to help you!