Sound to Sea, the only residential environmental education program on the Outer Banks, offers a habitat-based program which includes multi- disciplinary hands-on activities, a Challenge Course and special evening programs
Program Goals To increase awareness of the human community To increase awareness of the human community To introduce students and teachers to a variety of habitats typical of a North Carolina Barrier Island To introduce students and teachers to a variety of habitats typical of a North Carolina Barrier Island To apply classroom learning in a practical way To apply classroom learning in a practical way To enhance relationships between adults and students To enhance relationships between adults and students To stimulate personal growth--students develop a sense of independence and responsibility To stimulate personal growth--students develop a sense of independence and responsibility
Students will focus on the concept of the sound and salt marsh as the nursery of the ocean. They will learn about the adaptations of fish, crabs and various plants that live in the salt marsh. They will find out about the importance of water quality to the sound and salt marsh and learn to do a simple water quality test.
Students will learn about barrier island formation and movement and that beach erosion is a natural part of that process. They will learn about the adaptations of various animals that live in the sub-tidal, intertidal and supratidal zones of the beach.
Students will learn about the importance and rarity of clean, fresh water. They will use the bioscope to get a closer look at the myriad adaptations of water insects and fish. They will learn about pond succession and the amazing qualities of the plants that live around the pond.
Students will learn about the importance of the maritime forest to the various animals that live there. They will learn about the anatomy and adaptations of a maritime forest trees. They will learn about medicinal plants, and perhaps have the chance to eat at the "Outdoor Café" and learn about wild edibles.
Students will focus on the anatomy and physiology of one of our Bogue Sound residents by dissecting either a squid or a fish. In addition we also offer Comparative Anatomy Dissection which compares plant and animal anatomy and physiology.
Students will learn cooperation, teamwork and creative problem-solving techniques can overcome any challenge!
Habitat study groups, acting as escaped slaves, recreate the flight to freedom during the pre-Civil War time period. This outdoor program is best suited for 36 or more students and requires a back-up plan in case of rain. A minimum of 5-10 chaperones (depending on your group size) will role-play various characters on the Underground Railroad.
Trip Dates Pirates: Wednesday January 20 – Friday January 22, 2016 Wednesday January 20 – Friday January 22, 2016Mountaineers: Monday February 29- March 2, 2016
Departure/Arrival Time Students will arrive to school for check in at 5:30 a.m. Buses will depart at 6:00 a.m. Students will return home Approximately 5:00 p.m.
Cost Cost of the trip: $ What this will cover: Camp tuition Food Transportation Lodging
Payment Schedule September 30, 2015: $ this will be your deposit – this is non-refundable ( this will be your deposit – this is non-refundable) October 30, 2015: $ November 30, 2015: $50.00 Other arrangements can be made on a one on one basis.
The initial payment of $ is non -refundable this money will cover the cost of camp and bus deposits (Initial Payment Due Wednesday September 30) After the November 2, 2015 no money can be refunded. Discipline issues: no money will be refunded
Fundraisers Chicken Pie Sale for $15.00 each Student receives $7.50 per pie sold for their individual trip account. Yard Sale: Student/family will set up a table for their items. Money from sales will go into the students individual trip account.