Transportation reorganization. More drivers, more success. GPS up and running. Routes are reviewed, sound and ready. Staff trained. Improved communication planning.
routes and stops Parent mailing How to find your bus stop. What time should my child get to the bus stop? Where do I find my stop time? Mailing does not include route and stop information.
routes and stops Online information Live on August 19. Updated regularly. AP list List of routes and stops sent to school prior to the first day.
routes and stops Clear communication of stop times Parents can go to to check route start times. We do not provide stop times, as they change daily during the first weeks. We are asking parents to anticipate a stop time based on the route start time, estimating 5 minutes between stops in suburban areas, and 5 to 10 minutes between stops in rural areas.
routes and stops Help parents find their stops We’re not sending route information home. Instead, we’re asking parents to check online. This helps us provide the most up-to-date information available. We are asking parents to call the school if they don’t have access to a computer. Help parents find their route and stop by looking online or checking the AP lists.
off schedule arrivals Staff will closely monitor arrivals. School and parents will be notified of route adjustments. Online routes will reflect all changes. Live bus updates will provide information on delayed buses.
off schedule arrivals Help set proper expectations Help parents calculate stop times. Parents need to be flexible during the first month of school. Get the to bus stop early and be patient. Help parents understand the first month schedule. Buses, as always, will run off schedule during the first month. Help parents decide when they should escalate concerns to Transportation. Parents should call transportation only if their bus is running 30 min. later than anticipated or running past the start of school.
off schedule departures Staff will closely monitor and communicate with schools having challenges. Help ensure proper dismissals.
Improved process for managing calls. Automated attendant will provide information for the top concerns in English and Spanish. Heat ticket system allows for tracking and prioritization. New VOIP system prevents more full voic s. Increased staffing. customer service Direct line for staff. After hours emergencies During first month, we’ll have dedicated staff until 6 PM. Automated attendant will provide special instructions for parents to get help immediately.
Help set expectations. Call volume is high during first month. All voic s will be recorded and prioritized accordingly. Encourage parents to fill out the online form. It’s the quickest way to get assistance. Encourage parents to be patient with route and stop changes. Only immediate safety concerns or students without stops will be addressed during the first month. customer service