Wednesday Jan 29, 2014 Bell Ringer Agenda Quiz Cell Cycle Puzzle Notes HW: Cell Cycle Wkst Today’s goal: explain the process of cell division. If all cells come from preexisting cells then how do your cells make more cells?
Reminder We will begin having Bell Ringer/Homework Quizzes. Quizzes are 15% of your grade You get 10 Class Participation Points a day. Class Participation is 10% of your grade. I am available for tutoring any day after school. I only discuss grades before or after school but you can always me.
Recovery Classes Biology Tues and Thursday 3:30-6:30
Cell Cycle Puzzle In a group of 4 work together to cut the pictures out and place them in order to create the cell cycle.
Cell Theory 1.All living things are made of one or more cells. 2.Cells are the basic units of structure and function in organisms. 3.All cells come from preexisting cells.
Cell Cycle
What is it? A relaxed stringy form of DNA Where in the cell can you find it? The Nucleus What does it look like? Spaghetti What is it? Condensed organized form of DNA What is it created from? Chromatin What does it look like? An X Chromatin Chromosome
#1 The Nucleus is the__________of the cell. #2 The Nucleus contains______________________, which are the instructions for the cell. #3 These instruction are found in the____________. You have 46 total, 23 from mom and 23 from dad. #4 Why does the cell need to copy these instructions before dividing?
Nucleus= Control Center DNA= Instructions Chromosomes=Library
Thursday Jan 30, 2014 Bell Ringer Why do our cells grow and divide? Agenda BR Go Over Hmwk Notes HW: Cell Cycle Wkst #2 Today’s goal: describe what happens in each stage of the cell cycle.
Why do our cells grow and divide?
#1 1) Reproduction ASEXUAL – create identical offspring to parent SEXUAL – offspring is combination of 2 parents
Asexual Reproduction –Binary Fission –Budding –Regeneration –Vegetative Propagation
Benefits of Asexual Reproduction (mitosis) –Quick way to produce many offspring –Don’t need to find a mate –Best for stable environments
Benefits of Sexual Reproduction (meiosis) –Though it takes more time and energy it produces more genetic variety
2)Growth DEVELOPMENT-How you increase in size from a baby to an adult
Growth CELL DIFFERENTIATION -how you go from one cell to trillions of different cells with specialized functions.
How were you born video (6 mins) X760VY
3) Repair Regenerate lost tissue Replace aging cells
The Cell Cycle A. Interphase – cell grows and prepares for cell division by copying chromosomes and making more organelles B. Mitosis – Chromosomes separate into two nuclei C. Cytokinesis-Cytoplasm separates forming 2 identical cells
Cell Cycle
G1-Gap 1 phase How are these pictures of the same cell different?
G1-Gap 1 phase Larger, More Organelles
What must a cell do before it divides????
DNA Replicates-Meaning each chromosome must make an exact copy of itself. These copies are made during the S-phase of interphase. We call these copies sister chromatids Its these copies that separate during mitosis.
OrganismNumber of Chromosomes Goldfish94 Shrimp254 Chimpanzee48 Fruit Fly8 Peas14
S-Synthesis phase #2 What happens in S phase?
S-Synthesis phase #2 Chromosomes Replicate
Friday Jan 31, 2014 Bell Ringer Grab the sheet from the black box and answer the questions. It will be collected in 10 mins. Agenda BR Notes Worksheet HW: Read and outline Sec 9.3 due Monday Today’s goal: Identified the stages of the cell cycle in onion tissue.
Which phase is most Variable? Infer function of these two cells?
What must a cell do before it divides???? DNA Replicates-Meaning each chromosome must make an exact copy of itself. These copies are made during the S-phase of interphase. We call these copies sister chromatids Its these copies that separate during mitosis.
Sister Chromatids What are they? A chromosome has how many sister chromatids? CentromereWhat is it? Identical joined copies of DNA Two It holds the sister chromatids together
Fig. 12-UN3
1. Prophase What first appears? What disappears? What forms to help arrange chromosomes?
1. Prophase What first appears? Chromosomes What disappears? Nuclear Membrane What forms to help arrange chromosomes? Spindle Fibers
2. Metaphase Where do the chromosomes go?
2. Metaphase Where do the chromosomes go? The Middle
3. Anaphase What happens to the sister chromatids (copies)?
3. Anaphase What happens to the sister chromatids (copies)? Split and move to opposite sides of the cell
4. Telophase What reforms during telophase?
4. Telophase What reforms during telophase? Nuclear Membranes
Prophase Fig. 12-6a Prometaphase G 2 of Interphase
Fig. 12-6c MetaphaseAnaphase Telophase and Cytokinesis
Fig. 12-UN5
Fig. 12-UN1 Telophase and Cytokinesis Anaphase Metaphase Prometaphase Prophase MITOTIC (M) PHASE Cytokinesis Mitosis S G1G1 G2G2
5. Cytokinesis What is cytokinesis? What phase occurs after cytokinesis?
5. Cytokinesis What is cytokinesis? When the cytoplasm divides producing 2 identical cells. What phase occurs after cytokinesis? Interphase G1
How the Cell Cycle Works Video /student_view0/chapter10/how_the_cell_cycle_w orks.htmlhttp://highered.mcgraw- /student_view0/chapter10/how_the_cell_cycle_w orks.html
Exit Slip- What happens in each Interphase? –G1 –S –G2 Mitosis? Cytokinesis?