Setting Main Idea Sequencing Characters Writing Credits
The main idea of a story is what the story is mostly about. Click the picture to watch the video clip. What is the main idea? Home
The characters are the people or animals in the story. Click the picture to watch the video clip. Who are the characters? Home
Setting is when and where the story takes place. Click the picture to watch the video clip. What is the setting? Home
Sequencing is putting the story in order from beginning to end or first to last. Which picture would come first, second and last. Click a picture to see if you are right. Home
Home Credits
Home Tree Map Write a Story
Home Tree Map Write a Story
Home Tree Map Write a Story
Home Tree Map Write a Story
Home Tree Map Write a Story
Video Clips from Duck for President by Doreen Cronin, illustrated by Betsy Lewin Narrated by Randy Travis, with music by Scotty Huff and Robert Reynolds. Animation by MaGiK Studio. Pictures from The Rainbow Fish thinking of Octopus's Advice; One Fish, Two Fish; Curious George Plays on a Ball; Wild Rumpus; The Very Hungry Caterpillar; Fairy Tea Party; Shark; Golden Retrievers Puppies PowerPoint Presentation Created by: Laura Thompson ASU Summer, 2006 Pictures from Google Images: Ngatea Playground: Blowing Out Candles: Writing Home