Punnett Squares 7 & 8
#7- Human Eye color Blue eyes is recessive to brown eyes. Use the letter B. Show the expected children (genotypes and phenotypes) of a marriage between a blue-eyed woman and a brown-eyed man who had a blue-eyed mother.
Punnett Square #7 Parent Cross ______________________ X ________________________ Offspring genotypes: Offspring phenotypes:
Punnett Square #8-Skin color In humans normal skin pigmentation is due to a dominant gene (A) and albinism is due to the recessive allele, (a). Show the work for the following cross and the genotypes for each person involved. – A normal man married an albino woman and their first child is albino.
Punnett Square # 8 Show the cross: _______________________ X ___________________________ Mother’s genotype: Father’s genotype: Child’s genotype: