Bentley OnSite: Stakeout Construction / Engineering / Inspection Solutions from Bentley Civil
What is Bentley OnSite? Bentley OnSite is a software product that connects the “last mile” between the design office and the construction site. There are two main goals: Ensure correct construction in accordance with plans and specifications. Document true as-built conditions, particularly where construction differs from design.
Interoperability inadequacy The typical civil design project culminates in an assortment of paper documents and electronic formats to communicate the design intent. Paper: drawings, books, Post-Its, etc. Electronic documents: DGN, DWG, PDF, etc. Images: TIFF, BMP, JPEG, GIF, EPS, etc. Proprietary databases
What is the end result? Photo courtesy of NYSDOT
Solution: Bentley OnSite Bentley OnSite brings a wealth of design content into the field for stakeout. Work with a Tablet PC or handheld device, communicating with any major GPS unit. Eliminate reverse engineering. Automatically generate stake points at desired intervals and offsets. Instantly produce cut and fill calculations on-site. Record staking activities digitally.
Ahhh – that’s better
But don’t just take our word for it… “We immediately saw a real opportunity to take design information and use it further down in the lifecycle, leveraging the value of the data and dramatically reducing reverse-engineering calculations.” Phil Klimczak CADD, Survey & Field Office Liaison New York State DOT
Construction / Engineering / Inspection Solutions from Bentley Civil