Eric Hettler Manuel Paris Ryan Miller Christian Moreno James Reepmeyer Project Status Update R Wireless Open-Source/Open-Architecture Command and Control System (WOCCS)
Mission Statement Product Description /Project Overview We will develop a new command and control system that will introduce a reliable, intuitive, modular and secure system to benefit MSD teams and teach valuable skills and technology relevant to the needs of the Harris Corporation. Primary Goals Produce project readiness packages for 4 to 6 MSD teams Define new WOCCS project family Stakeholders Harris Corporation MSD Teams MSD Customers RIT Educational Community
Past Senior Design Teams P08027 – Wireless Assistive Control System P06501 – Zigbee Technology P08201 – RP-10 P09232 – Airframe B Common Themes Limitations with feedback Use of unproven and untested systems Distance and range scaling COTS capabilities
Project Family WOCCS represents a new MSD family Builds off of prior scattered C&C system development Intended to provide a common C&C software/hardware interface Wide applicability across MSD program Will result in 4+ MSD projects spanning 1-2 years Challenges Little prior student development – unknown scale and scope No other related project families to reference