Willow Creek Elementary Third Grade
Welcome to Third Grade! Meet the teachers Rebekah Collins: Math/ Science Tiffany Gonzales: Language Arts/ Social Studies
Schedule 9:00-10:00—Specials/Conference Period See your child’s planner for the schedule 12:15-12:45—Lunch 12:45-1:15—Recess Academics: Homeroom Class’ Schedule Library-Friday Computer Lab-Wednesday
Academics Grading scale A, B, C, D, or F E, S, N, or U Late work: 1 day late: -5 points, 2 days late: -10 points, 3 days or more late: score of 0 Make up work—one day for each day absent Homework School Policy: No phone calls home Language Arts Spelling lists given on Friday Two choices from the spelling contract are due the following Friday Reading nightly is expected. No reading log to sign. Math Sent home on Wednesdays - Due that Friday
Math Notes Xtra math online: cards with student PIN numbers coming soon (see link) Fact fluency practice at home- Triangular flash cards (math resources) Math Fact games- Family Math Night (see post) Math Drills website (see link) Academic Vocabulary – see post Pearson online- see post Guided Math (Math Mash Up) Homework questions???
Fact Check Practice Then – 2 minutes & 40 seconds Then – 32 algorithms Now - 2 minutes Now – 24 algorithms 5 sec per Will accumulate to one daily math grade Practice tomorrow and following Friday
Texas Readiness and Supporting Standards (TEKS)
Parent Communication and Conduct Wednesday Notes and Paperwork Return every Thursday Conduct Reports and Behavior Procedures Progress Reports-every 3 weeks Grades can be checked online at ANY time Homework folders-to home and school daily Textbooks and Work in Progress folders Planners Posts (Formerly known as Newsflash) Let’s look at our website: Lots of changes from TeacherWeb Send headphones
3 rd Grade STAAR Tests Math: Monday, May 9 th Reading: Tuesday: May 10 th Released Tests are on TEA Website _Accountability/Testing/State_of_Texas_ Assessments_of_Academic_Readiness_( STAAR)/STAAR_Released_Test_Questi ons/
Changes in TISD No more: TeacherWeb Gates Maginite Testing AIMSWeb testing IStation Think through Math Waiting on AR reading program-district wide
Attendance and Transportation Attendance Send a note for absences Late arrivals: after 10:00am counted absent Transportation Changes All changes made by 3:00pm Signed note No Calls or s / Only Faxes with a copy of ID Rainy Day dismissal-call made by 3:00pm
School Policy Restroom Policy Class Breaks Procedures Visitors Sign in and get a badge Conferences Lunch Sit at the parent table Money- Send in a labeled envelope for safety or add money online. (see post) Snacks Animal crackers, goldfish, graham crackers, pretzels, dry cereal, popped popcorn, granola bars, fruit snacks, carrots, etc. Water bottle with Sports Lid Refills? Toys Don’t bring them Parent Volunteers All MUST fill out background check form on the TISD website.
Birthdays and Conferences Birthdays Invitations for the entire class may be passed out at school Class treats may be served in the cafeteria by the parent. If ice cream returns, passes may be purchased for the class. Conferences Fall-October (mandatory- please sign up using the Sign Up Genius link that will be ed home through our teacher pages) Half day on Friday, Oct. 16 will be used for a few conferences. The rest will take place during our conference time throughout October (November if needed). March (as needed) Phone conferences can be made to accommodate schedules.
Let’s Have a Great Year in 3 rd !