Don’t be rushed, don’t be hushed Geoffrey Rendle Haringey CAB Research & Campaigns geoffrey.rendle AT Presentation for Neighbourhood Watches, 15 October 2015
Research & Campaigns at the CAB – Why??? Twin aims of Citizens advice service Free, confidential, impartial advice for members of the public Research & campaigns – Clients for whom we can’t find proper redress – Common problems (locally or nationally) – … call for a campaigning approach
Advice to the public at Haringey CAB as at October 2015 – check website for up-to-date info Drop ins at: Turnpike Lane Mon and 2-4, Fri TottenhamTues and 2-4, Thur Also at five health centres … … and seven children’s centres Also telephone Adviceline: Details at
Don’t be hushed?? Only 5% of people who have been scammed report the scam Encourage people to report scams: – Can sometimes benefit them – Help prevent others falling for the same trick
Resources on our website (1) Common scams Scams are schemes to con you out of your money. Car matching and electricity meter scams and fake lotteries are just some of the most common tricks that scammers try. Premium-rate prize draw scams Common premium-rate prize draw scams used through phone calls, text and and how to protect yourself against them.
Resources on our website (2) Stopping someone vulnerable from being scammed Signs to watch out for if you are a carer, relative, friend or neighbour of someone who is vulnerable to scams because they have a mental health or learning difficulty or are older, and what you can do to try and avoid it happening. How to report a scam Reporting scams to Action Fraud, Trading Standards or Phonepay Plus. How to spot a scam How to spot a scam arriving by post, phone call, text message, or from someone on your doorstep when you are not expecting them.
Resources on our website (3) Avoiding insurance and warranty scams - mobile phones and satellite TV Protecting your personal and financial information from scams If you've been offered a gadget to save money on energy bills Timeshare – Top Tips Financial scams
Bringing the message home Scam spotting quiz Avoiding share scams - FCA video
Those online resources again geoffrey.rendle AT (replace AT with sign)