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Dynamics-retail video
Who is Mark Stewart Pedersen ? CEO of NaviPartner Denmark and NaviPartner Mauritius -Maj – October = Denmark -November- April = Mauritius Retail and Nav since 1993 Love Beers, Skiing, Sailing Hate off-line systems
Who is NaviPartner ? Retail and Nav since 1993 Web and Nav since 2004 Hosted Nav since 2004
NaviPartner in Denmark Titangade 16, DK-2200 København N NaviPartner in Mauritius Block 2, Clarens Fields Medine Business Park Black River Road, Bambous
Who is NaviPartner? 85 dedicated Dynanamics–Retail people.
Who is NaviPartner? Point of Sale Ticket Solutions E-commerce We are a Software vendor that develops and supports business solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics Navi. We specialize in solutions for retail, e-commerce and entertainment.
Mobile-first Cloud-first
Retail status The retail industry is undergoing one of the biggest changes in the past 20 years as retailers make the transition from multi-channel to omnichannel.
What is : Our unified platform managing store, webshop, warehouse, finance and economics – retailers streamline their businesses. is running on Azure and consists of: NP Ecommerce – webshop based on Magento. Dynamics NAV – hosted and cloudbased NP Retail – is CFMD PoS solution ready for tablet and smart phones, incl. windows phone, IOS and Android <9 “ Support 24/7 Monthly upgrades POWA TAG is : Magento webshop Integrated out of the box BTC webshop Omnichannel, Click and Collect Giftvoucher same system on the web and in the POS Self service – Ticket system Customer loyalty BTB Webshop Customer Pricing Decide what products to show to what customers Report from Nav
Why Magento?
Magento is a open source produkt, with a Enterprise product atach. It provides a number of advantages Community og Enterprise Applied and adapted by more than e-merchants wordwide More than 9,000 Apps. Constant development one big and 2-5 smaller updates annually Access to a large community of talented developers, designers, system adminstrators who will readily sparring. Community Edition Scalable !- Tested with 500 k SKU / 18,000 orders a day/3,000 orders during peak hours. PCI compliant (PCI PA-DSS) Enterprise Edition
Why Magento with NAV Full access to the source code Strong REST and SOAP API Flexible EAV data model Indexing Engine Complete sales platform (Customer management, advance rates, SEO etc= The worlds strongest ERP + the worlds strongest e-shop, creates success stories is : Based on Nav2015/2016 Open for partner changes API to talk into Navi Always newest version is : OEM Partner sales Api to create demo Partner logo adresse etc on s Easy to customize Reseller discount is : NP-retail based on Nav2015/2016 NAV POS running on Windows, Android, IOS Running on al sizes of screens including <9 ” No middelsoftware NO replication from the POS to Nav NO offline registers ->
<9 ” pos It is not an app Unlimited 24/7 365 hotline is : Upgrade Free upgrade of Retail every month + Free upgrade of Nav, Hotfix + new versions
Demo &rver= &wp=MBI_SSL&wreply=https%3a%2f%2fou CXT=out&msafed=0
Price List in Euro - Licenses NP-Retail Pos module for Nav incl. 1 POS and 1 Nav ISV device cal 3,741 Per Extra POS device incl. Nav ISV device Cal 759 NP Ecommerce Standard Magento B2C web shop6,925 Magento B2b web shop4,356 A Magento B2b web shop requires the purchase of a Magento B2C webshop Enhancement 16 % per year on all software Reseller discount : 35 %
Price List in Euro – Hosting per month User Nav Webservice /NAS per Nas – thread 74 Database space for Navi GB 0 20 GB : 26, 50 GB: 52, 100 GB : 99, 250 GB : 171, 500 GB : 264, 750 GB: 330, 1 TB : 395 Webshop incl. 2 GB picture archive and 7,5 GB traffic per month incl Nav webservice191 Hosting of sub domain site 69 Reseller discount 25 %
Price List in Euro – Additional service per month Hosting BI dedicated SQL server 50 GB 93 Aditional database space, per 50 GB 93 Phone support per shop70 Reseller discount 25 %
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NaviPartner Mauritus
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