Schulze School of Entrepreneurship THANK YOU USASBE Special Recognition in Entrepreneurship Education
We Believe That Students Are Not Too Young To Create Real Value WHY University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
The 3 C’s ConfidenceConnectionCommunity University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
E200: Foundations of Entrepreneurship “The Lemonade Stand Class” University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
HOW Lemonade Stand Project Meaningful Community Compelling Content University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
LEMONADE STAND PROJECT University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
MEANINGFUL COMMUNITY Alumni Mentors Across-Course Relationships Practicing Entrepreneurs University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
COMPELLING CONTENT Case Studies Industry Analysis Theory University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
COMPELLING CONTENT Hotwash University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
IMPACT Immediately Adopt Lemonade Stand Project Immediately Adopt Hotwash Process Immediately Adopt Community Features University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
IMPACT LemonKidz - $1,500 in Revenue, Sold 10 Stands In Creative Kids Stuff University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
LemonAid - $1,000 in Revenue, Funded 11 KIVA Micro Loans IMPACT University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
IMPACT Lemonaires - 39 books at $25 a piece through their website University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
IMPACT Linda’s Lemons - eBook currently on Blurb and soon on iTunes University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
Lemon Network- Achieved revenue with first paying client: Mermaid Carwash IMPACT University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
JeweLEM - At revenue with jewelry made from dried lemon peels IMPACT University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship
IMPACT Love Your Melon - $4500 in revenue selling hats and giving hats to kids with Cancer University of St. Thomas | Schulze School of Entrepreneurship