1. To test for the presence of Starch Place 2ml of starch solution in a test tube Add a few drops of iodine solution using a dropper Shake the test tube and note any colour change Repeat the experiment with different samples
Sample Observation Starch solution Sugar solution
2. To test for the presence of Glucose Set up a boiling water bath Place 2ml of glucose solution into a test tube Add a 2ml of Benedict’s solution Place the test tube in the boiling water bath for 3mins Note any colour change Repeat the experiment with different samples
Sample Observation Glucose solution Salt solution
3. To test for the presence of Protein Place 2ml of milk into a test tube Add a 2ml of sodium hydroxide solution to the milk Add a few drops of 1% copper sulphate solution Shake the test tube Note any colour change Repeat the experiment with different samples
Sample Observation Milk Sugar solution
4. To test for the presence of Fats Rub a piece of food onto a corner of brown paper Rub some water onto another corner of brown paper Allow the paper to dry See if there is a see-through spot and record result Repeat the experiment with different samples
Sample Observation Butter Water