Arterial supply of brain
Lateral Lenticulostriate Arteries Branch of M1 Segment of MCA. Supplies basal ganglia structures: Part of head and body of caudate, globus pallidus, putamen, and the posterior limb of the internal capsule. NEUROVASCULAR SYNDROME Lateral Lenticulostriate A.: Damage to the internal capsule resulting in contralateral hemiparesis and sensory deficit. Speech may be affected (medial temporal lobe) as well as visual function (Meyer's loop: optic radiations affected).
Sylvian (M2) Segment Middle Cerebral Artery Segment divides into superior and inferior divisions which can be a site for an embolus to lodge. Branches supply: Temporal Lobe and Insular Cortex (sensory language area of Wernicke) Parietal Lobe (Sensory cortical areas) Inferolateral frontal lobe. NEUROVASCULAR SYNDROME Superior Division Infarction: "Brachiofacial paralysis" Sensorimotor deficit involving face and arm, leg to a lesser extent. Foot is spared. Ipsilateral deviation of head/eyes. With Left lesion may have initial global aphasia -> motor aphasia. No impairment of alertness. (Can be further subdivided if only one branch of division is affected). Inferior Division Infarction: Rarer than Superior Division Infarctions. Superior quadrantanopia / homonymous hemianopia. LEFT lesion: Wernicke aphasia (deficit in comprehension of spoken/written language) RIGHT lesion: Left-sided visual neglect.
Cortical (M3) Segment Middle Cerebral Artery Distal branches of MCA course laterally to insular cortex and loop around operculum - "Candelabra" effect seen on lateral angiograms. Embolization of individual cortical branches can produce highly circumscribed infarctions accompanied by specific neurologic deficits. .