Welcome! Elementary Methods for Teaching Science Boot up a computer. You’ll need to access the syllabus on MyStritch Please find a seat wherever you’re comfortable.
Group Norms? Does everyone bring their own food or do you sign up? Breaks? How often, how long? Feedback? How have you gotten your rubrics? Timing?- starting and ending Dress? Summer or professional? Anyone else new? Pacing… we’ll go fast
Why am I teaching this? Or: Who are you and why should we care Certified as a teacher in Michigan in Moved to Milwaukee to teach for MPS Taught 2 years at Sarah Scott Middle School (no longer exists) Job was cut, moved to Shorewood Been a 7 th -8 th grade Science teacher there since. Got MEd. at Stritch in Recently became National Board Certified Been teaching this class for 3 (?) years.
Who is Mrs. Steiner (Kelly) One possible way to introduce yourself to students while encouraging “scientific” observation. Choose questions that highlight your similarities to students. After we're done you’ll roll the dice to answer one about you. Please be patient while I try to balance modeling classroom instruction with treating you as adults.
Who is Mrs. Steiner? What color are Mrs. Steiner’s eyes? Is Mrs. S. married? Does Mrs. S. have any kids? If so, how many? What type of music is Mrs. S’s favorite? What is Mrs. S.’s favorite food? Does Mrs. S. play any sports? If so, what? What does Mrs. S. do for fun? Did Mrs. S. go to college? If so, where? How many siblings does Mrs. S. have?
Who is Mrs. Steiner- in pictures
Now about you… Either roll the dice to pick a question to answerdice 1) Funny thing happened to me 2) Knew I wanted to be a teacher when 3) Crazy job I’ve had 4) I’ll bet I’m the only one who… 5) My family is so crazy that … 6) Your choice Or… answer: What are we celebrating today? Thankful for Funny Good news Compliment a classmate Source: Hal Urban
What are we doing/ Should we do Understanding by design: By the end of the course we need to: How will we know if you know it?
What is a scientist? On a piece of scrap paper please draw: A sketch (or stick figure) of a scientist (stop) What gender was your picture? How old is the person in your picture? What are they doing?/ where? What makes a scientist? Line up from “I’m confident that I’m a scientist” to “Yikes! Science”
A true scientist…
While we’re up… Line up in order of comfort with using technology to teach Line up between “I like my classes to be easy” to “I like my classes to challenge me”
WHY SCIENCE IS THE BEST SUBJECT EVER A running commentary by Kelly Steiner All the good stuff Play for work It’s right to be wrong Process is as important as product Hands and minds on Kids are naturals Never the same thing twice or a dull moment
Themes by Week: Week 1: Life Science/ Environmental content (standard F) How to connect lessons to standards Week 2: Physical Science content (Standard D) How to improve constructivism in lessons. Week 3: Process standards Scientific Method and gender/culture in science Week 4: Earth Science Content (Standard E) Sharing lessons
Technology we’ll try Wiki for discussions and sharing files Classmarker.com for online assessments (?) Google docs for sharing documents (?) Surveymonkey for evaluation surveys SMARTResponse clickers Delicious Prezi (?) Glogster (?)
(or after our outside activity, your choice…) Dinner Time
Observing Teaching of Science What have you seen in your placement about teaching science? What types of activities are done? What resources are used? How are supplies managed? Where do the supplies come from? How are students grouped? Managed? Other?
Activity: “Oh Deer” Meets standard F.8.8 (populations and ecosystems) Notice: how students design what they'll look for (and how I get it to be what I want) That we explore before explain, and uncover the ideas before giving it terminology. Activity comes from Project WILD (great source for life science/ environmental science activities. Whole mini-unit is posted on website.
Analyzing Content Standards Why this is important... Jigsaw and use white boards (discuss classroom uses) Everyone- skim all the standard areas. In your group- summarize the standard in a1-2 sentences on a white board the standards you're assigned. Pull out keywords that will help us find activities tied to these standards. Think about your K-W-L on these topics.
KWL of Standards What do you feel comfortable with in the standards? What do you want to know more about of the standards? What have you learned about the standards? Notebook FileNotebook File- Use response NOTE: If not available, can use ClassMarker.comClassMarker.com
Go Over the Syllabus and Resource Sheet Assignment 1: Reflective Journal Assignment 2: annotated bibliography 8 resources (1 per standard) that you'd use to make each standard exciting/ relevant Assignment 3: lesson evaluation 1ish page paper with found lesson attached. Assignment 4: Learning Lab Share some information/lesson with your classmates
Annotated Bibliography Discuss requirements Look at wiki
RESOURCE SHEET Feel free to shop though samples.
Fork-Bird Lab Meets standard F.8.2 (Structure and Function) Notice: management of supplies (getting the students to do some of the work), using affordable materials to model concepts. Ramp up and Ramp down of same lab
Management Challenges/ Tips from the Teenagers Bins- assigned by group Student jobs- set up/ clean up/ materials manager/ supervisor Time of day- after a break- first thing or after recess Teaching safety- not all at once, brainstorm as you introduce a lab. Assigning groups Differentiation
Tips From the Teens Plan Ahead Try It Yourself Lots of Visuals/ Drama (voices, etc.) Lots of Labs and Hands-On Explain Over and Over Homework to Reinforce- not to stretch Labs- Plan more time than you think you’ll need.
Next Class (we’re not done yet, just previewing) Special guest: Anthony Strancke, Principal Shorewood Intermediate School: How to get a job and best practice roll play. Preview Share annotated bibliography Discuss Physical Science (Standard D) Ramp up and ramp down lessons (by level and $$) Address Science teaching fears Discuss constructivism in Science Learn about the 3 types of labs and the 5 E model Do a sample lesson evaluation Work on your lesson evaluation Homework bookmark
Three Types of Labs Discovery- explore big concepts Exploration- further examine ideas Verification- re-enact established information Most Constructivist, Most student control Most Traditional, Most teacher control
A preview for next week The 5 E Model for Teaching Science
The 5 E's Engage- catch the interest, create questions Explore- discover the big concept Explain- connect the concept to information Elaborate- go further in depth Evaluate- assess student understanding
Let’s research together… In your team (2-4 people), you will roll for a keyword from Standard F. You then draw a card to get a grade level. You must find a QUALITY activity that fits the keyword and the level. Use this in your annotated bibliography. Source ideas: Delicious (demonstrate), exchange.smarttech.com, book, Science ScopeDelicious Ask for help if you need it.