Praise Him! Terms of Praise
Introduction Sing and pray with understanding (I Cor. 14:15) Words matter (Matt. 12:36-37) Let us study the praise of God with great care
Hallelujah Definition: Praise the Lord (imperative) “Halal” (praise) + “YAHH” or “JAH” (Lord) = “Praise the Lord” Greek “Alleluia” Definition: Praise the Lord (imperative) A psalm of hallelujahs (Psalm 150) A song of alleluias (Rev. 19:1-8 NKJ)
Glorify Definition: to treat as more excellent or magnificent than normal What makes God so excellent? (Psalm 86:8-13) His steadfast love is unlike any other Man struggles to forgive (Matt. 18:21) God’s forgiveness is greater (Jer. 31:34; Heb. 8:12) God loved us before we loved Him (Rom. 5:6-8) So many reasons to glorify God (Rev. 15:3-4)
Magnify Psalm 34:1-3 Definition: (literally) to make grow To make great or important Common Hebrew word Meaning determined by context Magnified with thanksgiving (Psalm 69:30) Sometimes translated “great” (Psalm 104:1-2)
Exalt Exodus 15:2; Psalm 46:10-11 Definition: lift up, elevate; “extol” Common Hebrew and Greek word Physically lifted up (John 3:14; Numbers 21:9; Matthew 27:32-43) Jesus is exalted above every name (Philip 2:5-11; Hebrews 2:6-8)
Hosanna “Save us, we pray” “Save us, we pray, O Lord!” (Ps. 118:25-26) “Yasha” (to save) + “Na” (we pray) = “Save us, we pray” Greek word made from two Hebrew words “Save us, we pray, O Lord!” (Ps. 118:25-26) Both a plea and a praise “Hosanna!” (Matthew 21:8-11) Christ has answered our cry, “Hosanna! Save us, we pray!” (John 3:16)
Conclusion Worship according to God’s instructions (Ephesians 5:18-20; Colossians 3:16-17) Hallelujah! Let us all praise God!
Hallelujah! Let us all praise God! Praise Him! Hallelujah! Let us all praise God!