Alice's Adventures in Wonderland By Lewis Carrol Illustrated by Lauren Kouassi
Chapter Come back rabbit! Orange marmalade Bats and cats. Cats and bats Chapter 1 Chapter 1
3 4 I’m late How do I get in?
5 Drink me? Eat me? How do fit through the door? Now I’m stuck. 6
9 Hello mouse.Do you like cats or dogs? I'm guessing not. 10 Come ashore with me and the animals. Chapter2Chapter2
1211 Calm down. How do we get dry. We will have a caucus race.
1314 I have a cat that would eat animals on the spot. We must be going now. Mary Anne please fetch me a fan and gloves. Sure I guess. Chapter 3
1516 No gloves, but there is another bottle. LET US IN! Throw pebbles!
1718 Chapter 5 Eat the mushroom to get big or small
19 20 Get away from my eggs you serpent! Off with her head!
Tea party may begin! Chapter 6Chapter 7
23 24 I am tortoise the turtle. I can teach you. Chapter 10 Who stole the tarts?
25 er 1 er 1 26 The knave stole the tarts.
Click the teacup from the Mad Hatters tea party for a fun game. /alice_in_won derland/
What was your favorite part? Did you have a favorite character? If you ended up in the strange place of Wonderland, what would you do? Do you want to read this book yourself one day? Did you enjoy the story?