Queens University of Charlotte Jon Sims
GPA 2.95 SAT 1300 GPA 4.5 SAT 1540
75% of females compared to 68% males graduate from high school. 48% of black males and 52% of Hispanic males graduate from high school. -White- Females 61% of Associates Degrees. -Females 57% of Bachelor’s Degrees. -Females 62% of Masters Degrees. -Females 54% of Doctoral Degrees. -African Americans- Females 69% of Associates Degrees. -Females 66% of Bachelor’s Degrees. -Females 72% of Masters Degrees. -Females 64% Doctoral Degrees. -Hispanics- Females 62% of Associates Degrees. -Females 61% of Bachelor’s Degrees. -Females 65% of Masters Degrees. -Females 56% Doctoral Degrees.
Heider and Weiner Helps to answer the “why” questions Why are schools admitting less qualified male applicants over qualified females? Focus on person perception, explained behavior and success and failure Internal External Controllable Uncontrollable
Author Jennifer Britz former Kenyon College Dean of Admissions Why is this text important? Why did she speak out? How was her daughter affected and how does the theory of attribution apply to this situation?
Why are potential students and colleges so worried about having an acceptable gender ratio on campus? What are the implications for continuing to admit less qualified male students? How can colleges and universities combat the gender gap affectively? What are the limitations to applying the attribution theory to he Gender Gap?
Britz, J.D. (2006, March 23). To all the girls I’ve rejected. The New York Times. Retrieved from Kleinfeld, J. (2009 ). No map to manhood: Male and female mindsets behind the college gender gap. Gender Issues, 26(3/4), p doi: /s y Irwin, H. (1983). Attribution, constructivism, and images in interpersonal communication. Communicator, 13, p Miller, K. (2005). Communication theories perspectives, processes, and contexts. McGraw-Hill: New York, New York. Sallo, T., (2008, May). A growing gender gap. The National Center for Public Policy and High Education. Retrieved from